This verse is taken from:
Philippians 2. 19-24
Thought of the day for:
19 October 2024

In verse 4 of this chapter Paul makes an exhortation, ‘Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others’. Later in the chapter, he presents three men who exemplified that exhortation. In verses 16-18, we have Paul’s own example, and in verses 19-24, Timothy’s selflessness is highlighted. Finally, in verses 25-30, we read about Epaphroditus. However, before we learn about any of these men, Paul begins with the example par excellence as demon­strated by Christ, in verses 6-8.

Although Timothy was Paul’s ‘spiritual son’, 1 Tim. 1. 2, maybe that isn’t the primary thought in Paul’s mind. The word ‘son’ means ‘child’ and the apostle is stating that just as a child honours and imitates its father so Timothy worked with him in the gospel. Notice that he doesn’t say that Timothy had served him but served with him. He served God as the apostle did, in the gospel of His Son; he served Jesus Christ, whose gospel he preached.

The Philippians were well acquainted with Timothy’s commitment to the gospel for he had been with Paul when the apostle brought the gospel to that city, Acts 16. 1-40. Whilst most of that chapter refers to Paul and Silas, there is no doubt that Timothy was one of their companions and served along­side them. An outcome of his initial gospel labours in Philippi was that Timothy had a genuine interest in the ongoing wel­fare of those converts, v. 20. For this reason, Paul intended sending him to them as soon as possible to enquire about their well-being.

There was a special affinity between Paul and Timothy and it is interesting to observe the various descriptive terms the apostle uses concerning him. In verse 22, he uses the simile of a child. He also refers to Timothy as a ‘youth’, 1 Tim. 4. 12, and as a ‘man of God’, 1 Tim. 6. 11. Here was a proven servant of the Lord who, despite frequent ill health and a timid nature, truly fulfilled the exhortation of verse 4. Little wonder that Paul could say of him in verse 20, ‘I have no man likeminded’. What a commendation, what an asset to the work of God!


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