This verse is taken from:
Isaiah 22. 20-24
Thought of the day for:
12 May 2024

This passage follows upon the removal from office of the unfaithful Shebna and the investiture of Eliakim in his place. Eliakim is called ‘My servant’ and as such is a foreshadowing of Christ. Jehovah calls him for a place and position of glory in the royal household and so much will hang upon him. Hence, the rather homely expression ‘a nail in a sure place’.

In the homes of those days there was not, of course, the sophisticated furniture of modern times. The nail or peg in the wall served many useful purposes, for on it hung clothing, materials, cups and vessels in variety. This was, then, a familiar enough illustration or metaphor to portray the office and minis­try of Eliakim. He has been called ‘the house-mayor’ and so much depended upon him. Accordingly, he would be suitably robed and girded for the responsibility committed to him. The sceptre and insignia of government would be placed upon him. With the key of David given to him and so much authority, he would be like a father to whom the house of Judah would look and upon whom they would depend. He would indeed be as a nail firmly fastened in a sure place with everything hanging upon him.

How like Christ is all this, called of God for royal and priestly ministry to God’s people, Heb. 5. 4, 5. Quoting from Isaiah chap­ter 22 verse 22, John writes concerning Him, ‘he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth’, Rev. 3. 7. He is sovereign, in complete and perfect control of all circum­stances. What comfort and assurance should this bring to His saints, to know that He is ordering everything for their good and for His own glory. There is nothing, and no one, who can stay His hand or thwart His purpose.

Notice too that this nail is fastened and fixed in a sure place. Many a nail may be insecure and unreliable, but not so Christ. As believers we have learned to trust Him wholly for the salvation of the soul. How much more, then, should we trust Him for the day to day ordering of our lives and circumstances. As Peter writes, ‘Casting all your care upon Him’, 1 Pet. 5. 7.


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