This verse is taken from:
Revelation 21. 1-8
Thought of the day for:
27 December 2024

This is a beautiful picture and is not without some significance. We read in chapter 19that the marriage of the Lamb had come and that his wife had made herself ready, but now, at least one thousand years later, she is as a bride adorned for her husband. It might be thought that it would have been more appropriate to call her the bride in chapter 19, on the occasion of the marriage, and at this later time to refer to her as a wife. This would cer­tainly fit with all our conventions. A man takes his wife to their golden wedding celebration; he does not take his bride, even though he may romantically think of her in those terms. She was a bride once but she is a wife now.

Their love might be the same, or even stronger, but time brings change. The wedding photographs will bear this out! However beautiful the bride was on her wedding day the pic­ture and the mirror now tell different stories. Things have changed for both him and her.

This is not the case, however, for Christ and His church. He remains the same; unchanged and unchanging, He is her eternal lover. She, too, will to all eternity retain nuptial freshness for him. She is a glorious church. Having been sanctified and cleansed, nourished and cherished while on earth, she is now in glory bright and herself glorious. She has no spot, or wrinkle or any such thing. She is for ever holy and without blemish.

In the eternal state there are no nations, as such. The taberna­cle of God shall be with men. He shall dwell among men and be their God. Everything that we now know in terms of tears, death, sorrow, crying and pain will be for ever gone. The one who sits upon the throne will have made all things new.

In that day there will therefore be no distinct groupings of people. God will dwell with men and this will be in a new heaven and a new earth, when God will rest in His love. Yet, it must be observed that the church will be distinct and have a special place of near relationship to Christ to all eternity, as the object of His eternal love, which no others shall share. ‘Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen’, Eph. 3. 21.


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