This verse is taken from:
Psalm 102. 25-27; Hebrews 1. 12
Thought of the day for:
1 April 2024

When considering the permanence of God and His people the psalmist contrasts it to the temporary nature of everything else. Even the earth and heavens which might be considered as more stable than most things are only temporary. Through the handi­work of God, they are also to perish. To illustrate this, the simple analogy of an article of clothing is used.

Much can be learned from this. First of all, we can be reas­sured that it is God, and He alone, who will bring about their demise. As this meditation is being written, the world is in tur­moil, men’s hearts are concerned about global warming, nuclear proliferation, wars, economic uncertainty, food shortages and natural disasters. Many of these things may be indications that this little planet is ‘waxing old’ and, as Dr. Hawking recently stated, has a very limited life left. However, we can be assured that none of these things will result in the end of this world, which will be the result of God’s action alone.

In Hebrews chapter 1 verses 10-12 the writer explains this psalm further by making it clear that it is the Lord Jesus Himself who will ‘fold them up’ and ‘change them’, one of many proofs of His deity in the chapter. This has led to much speculation that they will simply be reformed rather than replaced. However, we must remember that when we ‘change’ our clothes we in fact remove them completely and put on new ones, perhaps suited to some new purpose or activity.

Further light on this can be found in 2 Peter chapter 3. Here we are told that God has in fact already carried out a dramatic act on the ‘heavens … of old, and the earth’. These were created and formed out of the water and in the water, which caused them to ‘perish’ at the flood. They were reformed into what Peter calls ‘the heavens and the earth, which are now’. These, he continues, will also perish, but this time by fire, to be replaced by ‘new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness’. Notice that in this new abode established by righteousness there is permanence; it ‘dwells’. How blessed we are that though occupants of this temporary world we belong to the One who remains and shares His eternal dwelling with us.


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