This verse is taken from:
Matthew 13. 1-23
Thought of the day for:
17 July 2024

This chapter contains seven parables of the ‘kingdom of the heavens’ lit. They chronicle this present age during which earth’s rightful but absent King reigns from above, and wages war with the devil for terrestrial sovereignty.

The use of parables marks a switch in Christ’s teaching style. It was provoked by the antagonism of Israel’s leaders, Matt. 12. 24. Parables obscure truth from those who resist it while engaging the interest of genuine seekers. Furthermore, this first parable is of value in understanding all the Lord’s parables, Mark 4. 13. For Christ’s celestial kingdom on earth would be established, not by military or political might, but by sowing the word of the kingdom, by preaching the gospel.

This is the turning point of the gospel. A busy crowded teaching session in Christ’s house in Capernaum had been gate­crashed by Jerusalem scribes who accused Him of demon pos­session. Then, His family arrived from Nazareth to take Him in hand, supposing Him mentally unbalanced, Mark 3. 21. He leaves the house and sits in a boat in the sea. This signified His deliberate withdrawal from the hostile nation. The gospel would henceforth be offered worldwide, the sea picturing the Gentiles.

Our Lord brilliantly categorizes four types of His hearers, likening their hearts to differing soils.

  1. ‘Wayside’, v. 4 - hard impenetrable soil, where Satan steals the seed, v. 19. Christ was grieved at the hardness of heart of the hypocritical scribes, Pharisees, and Herodians, Mark 3. 5.
  2. ‘Stony places’, v. 5 - shallow soil giving quick, joyful, assent. But, like rootless plants on the surface, they soon wilt in the heat of difficulty or persecution. Such was the fickle crowd in the house who earlier had acclaimed Him Messiah, 12. 23.
  3. ‘Among thorns’, v. 7 - hearts pre-occupied with worldly care or the pursuit of wealth or pleasure. Early spiritual life is choked. His well-meaning family thought more of Christ’s per­sonal welfare than doing the will of His Father, 12. 50.
  4. ‘Good ground’, v. 8, into which the seed falls deeply - the word is heard, understood, received, and yields fruit in varying degrees of abundance. This is true of all genuine disciples.

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