This verse is taken from:
Psalm 132
Thought of the day for:
27 December 2023

We will read the whole psalm, but will extract one thought for our meditation and heart-searching. It is David who conceives in his heart the desire to raise a permanent dwelling for the Lord, vv. 13-17. This was not true of Saul—he was a man after the flesh, and could have no thought for the divine habitation. But David was a man after God’s own heart, so God’s interests were his. Note the deep stirrings of David’s heart, vv. 1-4, his self-forgetfulness and even self-sacrifice for the Lord’s glory. We know the Lord’s plan was otherwise, and why, 2 Sam. 7. 12, 13. When we read such heart-yearnings, we think of David’s greater Son and Lord who manifested a similar spirit of concern and interest in the house of the Lord—His Father’s house, John 2. 17; Matt. 21. 13. How precious it was to Him, though defiled by man. See the Lord’s manifest grief in Mark 11. 11, when He had entered into the temple and had looked round about on all things.

Today, our God has no dwelling-place of human construction, but an even more wonderful habitation, Acts 7. 48; Eph. 2. 19, 20; God places His Name there. What is my attitude of heart toward it? Is this my present aspiration? Do I love to promote it and maintain its glory? Am I found there with regularity? Does the assembly have my heart-interest? Do David’s sentiments move my heart?, vv. 3, 4. In these days, this wonderful dwelling-place of the Lord is being neglected, nay, dare we say desecrated? Its pattern in the N.T. is being departed from, and its holiness disregarded. Where do I stand in relation to it? Moses was faithful in God’s house of his day, Heb. 3. 5; are we faithful in God’s house of our day?, for there our Saviour is Son and Lord, Heb. 3. 6. Do others see the zeal for God’s house eating us up and gripping us?

How jealous God was with regard to the tabernacle which He. commanded to be set up in the wilderness. We read that Moses was warned of God to comply with the heavenly pattern shown to him on the mount, Heb. 8. 5. Is God less interested in His dwelling-place today?

If our hopes are set on dwelling “in the house of the Lord for ever” when our little day is over, then our devotion now will be for the place where He dwells.


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