This verse is taken from:
Isaiah 30. 8-17
Thought of the day for:
16 May 2024

This is a prediction of devastation for Judah and Jerusalem. The people would be decimated by their enemies. They would be left utterly desolate under the judgement of God. Forsaken and for­lorn, they are pictured as ‘a flagstaff on the top of a mountain, like a signal on a hill’ ESV. These are not natural features. They result from human activity. They are a tragic sign ‘that people once lived there and are now gone’, A. Motyer. God’s solemn threat of defeat for His people if they forsook Him would come to pass, Deut. 32. 30. His promise of victory over their foes would be reversed, Lev. 26. 8. They faced destruction. Isaiah pic­tures this tragedy in two ways in our passage; the collapse of a bulging wall; and the shattering of pottery.

What had brought God’s people under such dire judgement? The prophet presents God’s indictment against them. They had been rebellious, unwilling to hear the message of the Lord. Seers had been silenced. The people had shut their ears to all divine revelation. They demanded an innocuous message from the prophets which would leave them undisturbed and unchal­lenged. A message of moral demand, ruffling their comfortable complacency, was utterly rejected. Lies were preferred to truth. They wished to hear no more about the Holy one of Israel. His claims to their obedience in every area of life were resented as interference. Judah did not desire the living presence of God. They despised His word and refused to acknowledge Him. How like contemporary society where Paul’s prediction in 2 Timothy chapter 4 verses 3, 4 has been amply fulfilled.

Was there a way to escape impending disaster? It would not be by military prowess or alliance with Egypt. No horse could be found swift enough to carry them safely from their pursuers. There was only one way of deliverance. Tragically, Israel had rejected it. It was a repentant return to the Lord to find their rest in Him. This would secure His salvation. The Lord Jesus prom­ises rest to all who take His yoke upon them, Matt. 11. 28-30. Trust in their God, would grant them freedom from restless anxi­ety and strength to face all of life’s battles and challenges. God can supply these same blessings to us today.


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