Current Issue –

2025 Volume 80 Issue 1

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Articles in this Issue
Growth is a concept that covers many aspects of life. Parents may recall the meticulous measurement and weighing of their newborn baby to monitor growth. Those involved in farming or gardening are inter…
Chapter 2 verses 11 to 20 In this passage, a change of scene is introduced, with Nehemiah’s arrival at the site where the work of rebuilding the walls and gates of Jerusalem was to take place, v. 11. He…
‘It’s obsolete, mate!’ These are the words I frequently heard working in a shop selling power tools and garden equipment, when the repair technician, usually with a hint of glee, let down a customer hop…
‘What doest thou here, Elijah’, 1 Kgs. 19. 9 When God asks a question, often His purpose is to get the individual to think about the answer for themselves. Whilst God knows the answer, He wants us to re…
It was a time of change in the life of Elisha. He had been called by Elijah and had followed after him. What had happened is that his mentor and friend Elijah had been taken home to heaven. What was he …
We appreciate the prayerful interest of the Lord’s people as He faithfully preserves and furthers His work around the world. It was over fifteen years ago that my wife, Stephanie, and I were commended t…
‘Then came Amalek’, Exod. 17. 8. The words hardly constitute a fanfare, but they nonetheless mark a crucial development in the history of the nation of Israel and of its wilderness journey. The victory …
The ark of the covenant is a most interesting and instructive study in scripture. To fully analyse it we would need to consider it’s: Construction, Exod. 25 Covering (mercy seat), Exod. 25 Contents, He…
This village of Nain is located in northern Israel, in the region known as Lower Galilee. It lies fourteen kilometres or eight-and-a-half miles south to south-east of Nazareth. In the context of Luke’s …
We know very little about the prophet Habakkuk, but he was probably a contemporary of Jeremiah. A prophet’s message is much more important than the man himself. His prophecy predicts an imminent Babylon…
QUESTION Why do Christians sin and how can we overcome sin? ANSWER Before I became a Christian, my understanding of right and wrong was shaped by various influences - my upbringing,1 the opinions of my…
Introduction As we live our fast-moving, instant communication, 21st-Century lives, I wonder if we have ever stopped and considered how we are affected by the different divisions of time - days, weeks, …
In the previous article we considered the revelation of the little maid for the cleansing of Naaman, her master. Verse 5 of the chapter informs us of the king’s actions for his well-respected soldier/se…
‘There are’, of course, as the Apostle John said in the last verse of his Gospel, ‘many other things which Jesus did’ but I want us to focus in this article on just three. I want us to think of the time…
Venezuela has been a fruitful field for the gospel. The work of the assemblies began over 100 years ago through much sacrifice. Very faithful and godly men, raised and sent by God from foreign lands, la…
‘I hope you will not talk about William Lincoln, for I am only a saved sinner’.1From such a beginning, perhaps it would be inappropriate to write this article, or one on any other servant of the Lord, b…
‘The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb’, Isa. 11. 6 Wolves are the largest and most powerful members of the biological family of animals including dogs, foxes, and coyotes. There are three distinct sp…
The word of compassion for His mother, John 19. 26 The crowd at the cross As the Lord Jesus prayed alone in the garden of Gethsemane, a great multitude would soon arrive to arrest Him; and, thereafter u…

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