Why the Shepherd?

96 pp. £3.25 incl. p. & p.

Available from Professional Book Services, Acorn House, Salisbury Road, Bath, BA1 6QX. This is an unusual book, written by a world renowned expert in the international sheep and wool industry, and a brother active in preaching the gospel. Its background is the 23rd. Psalm. For over 30 years the author has travelled the sheep countries of the world, and much of his life has been spent outdoors, working with sheep. There is a simple beauty about this book, as the author uses his knowledge about the ways and work of sheep to provide spiritual lessons regarding the Good Shepherd and the needs of His sheep. There is a warm devotional tone about the book and we would commend it as a help to meditation on the lovely truths contained in the ‘Shepherd Psalm’, and as an aid to evangelism. Thousands of copies have already been sold in New Zealand, Australia and USA and its publication here is welcomed.


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