What is the World coming to?

Paperback, 284pp. Published by Trafford Publishing (UK) Limited, 9 Park End Street, 2nd floor, Oxford, OX1 1HH, UK. Price £10.32, ISBN 978-1-425112-66-0.

As the writer states on the cover of his book, ‘A casual scan through any daily newspaper will reveal that there is much that causes many to worry concerning the future’. It is from this start point that he has compiled a book which explores how God is unfolding His plan and how parts of the prophetic picture are beginning to emerge today.

Whilst considering the four major interpretations of prophecy in Chapter 2, Weatherhogg clearly states that his personal belief is in the pre-millennial return of Christ, first for His saints at the rapture and then later to the earth to establish His kingdom. His replies in Chapter 3 to the criticisms levelled at this view could prove most helpful for those confronted with alternative ideas.

However, the ‘meat’ of the book looks at developments in the natural realm, Chapter 4, the social realm of people and relationships, chapter five, and the political realm of nations, Chapters 6 and 7. Against that background the writer unfolds what he believes the scripture teaches regarding events from the rapture through to the eternal state.

Clearly, prophecy is a subject on which it is difficult to get universal agreement and this will no doubt be the case here. Particularly noticeable to this reviewer was the author’s comments on the ‘unregenerate survivors’ of Armageddon which seemed to suggest unbelievers being taken from the end of the Great Tribulation period into the millennium.

This is an interesting book. There may be a number of books available on biblical prophecy but few that adopt the approach of this writer. On that basis this volume may prove a helpful addition to the shelves of those who rightly share Weatherhogg’s enthusiasm for his subject. My only disappointment was that, at times, the book read like a thesis and any fervour did not always shine through.


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