The UK Assembly Address Book

224 pages, ISBN 1 872734 25 1, £6.50 including p. and p., from Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol, UK, BS39 4EH.

This, the fifth edition of the popular Address Book, is now available and replaces the fourth edition published in 1997. It is in its usual format and lists all the assemblies by county and by town throughout the UK. As well as the assembly name there are the address, the times of meetings and a contact telephone number. In addition many assemblies have taken an extra announcement space to give further details about their additional meetings or their exact location. In this edition there is no listing of assemblies abroad as that information is now readily available in other more detailed publications, also available from CYP, covering Europe, (The Wegweiser) and North America, (Addresses of Some Assemblies of Christians).

The work involved in compiling the information is a formidable task and many who travel on business, or vacation are grateful for the helpful information.


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