The Jesus Gospel

Paperback, 196pp. Published by Authentic Media, 9 Holdom Avenue, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK1 1QR, UK. Price £7.99, ISBN 1-85078-698-4.

Many of us may not be aware of the rising appeal in evangelical circles of a different gospel. This ‘gospel’, which focuses upon the love of God, rejects the seriousness of sin and diminishes the importance of Christ’s death on the cross. Liam Goligher seeks to address these issues by showing from Genesis to Revelation that sin is a personal and fatal condition of everyone, and necessitated the death of Jesus Christ.

Against the backdrop of John chapter 17, each chapter is written as an act in an unfolding drama showing God’s plan of salvation. The message of salvation is clearly explained and the author demonstrates that this message runs through the Bible. It Is refreshing to see how the Old Testament pointed forward to the coming Messiah, whilst the New Testament teachings confirmed the prophecies about the Lord Jesus Christ.

I have some reservations. Firstly, there are suggestions that Goligher believes that Christ only died for the elect. However, as election is not the book’s focus, this impression may be a consequence of limited explanation by the author. Secondly, aspects of the definition of penal substitution and reconciliation may not find favour with all. Thirdly, some may find the author’s style of writing lacking in reverence in some areas.

However, I found this book an excellent and engaging read which approached this important subject in a simple, but not simplistic, way. Goligher demonstrates a good understanding of scripture and a refreshing ability to explain complicated teaching and meanings of original Bible words in an understandable way. I would recommend this book as of help to those that have been recently saved and any who may wish to answer those who question the integrity or the meaning of the Bible.

[Our thanks to Matthew Henry, Bakewell, Derbyshire for this review]


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