The Glories of our Lord – James McBroom

300 pages. From W. S. Penfold, T.C.S.L., Claremount House, Bicester 0X6 7BW, or Gospel Tract Publications, 48 York Street, Glasgow G2. £1 -25 plus 45p postage (10 copies for £10, postage £2-50).

Consisting of seven small booklets written many years ago, the book is now republished in one paperback volume. This is not to be confused with a smaller book by H. C. Hewlett having the same title. The table of contents indicates that only the first five parts: Gold, Blue, Purple, Scarlet and Fine Twined Linen, have to do with the ephod, Exod. 28. 6. The remaining two parts, The Beauty of the Lord, and The God of Glory, are added to give “good measure”. That the author greatly loved and revered the Lord shines out on every page. All, therefore, who love the Lord, and would value help in contemplating His matchless Person, will obtain it here. But such help as is offered is not loosely or lightly given, and will not be cheaply or casually gained. Perhaps it is because this book is so concentrated that we would have liked it to have had an expanded contents section, or an index giving both the range of subjects touched, and the Bible references made. However, what may seem a loss may lead many a disciple away from analysing into meditating, and this, surely, will be all that the author, and his latest publisher, could hope for. D.C.


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