The Fruitful Vine

Paperback, 172pp. Published by Gospel Folio Press, 304 Killaly St. West, Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada. Price £8.95, ISBN 1-897117-13-2.

Any author who dares to write on such an important subject as ‘Biblical Womanhood’ in these difficult days deserves our thanks, particularly so when he turns our minds away from twenty-first century cultural pressures and back to the scriptures. This book is divided into six sections. Marriage occupies the greatest space, including a consideration of the decision to remain single. Also included are: the Vine, conditions for spiritual and moral fruitfulness; Motherhood; the Home; the Autumn years, including some pages on widowhood; and Godly character and ministry.

Commendably, the book is based on the teaching of the early chapters of Genesis, and on the New Testament truth, including 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verses 2-16. God’s gracious purpose in instituting marriage is emphasized, with clear reference to Genesis. The principle of headship, and the duties and responsibilities which devolve upon both sexes in consequence of this principle, are faithfully expounded. Lessons from scripture, notably from the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah, are highlighted and applied. Such issues as the impact of home life on the next generation are thoughtfully covered. Sexual behaviour is discussed in discrete terms, and is placed in a biblical context. Throughout, the author challenges us all to examine our own consciences in the light of the scriptural principles on which our behaviour should be based. It is hoped that some readers will not be put off by the obviously American provenance of the book and the occasionally patronising solution to a complex problem. This reviewer would also have liked to see a section dealing with behaviour before marriage. These minor issues apart, this book is to be recommended.

[Our thanks to Ed Hotchin, Hucknall, Nottingham, for this review]


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