Tabernacle in the Wilderness

By John Ritchie. 128 pp. Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, Scotland, KA3 1RH. £5.95. ISBN 1 904064 15 9.

Here is a book first published over a century ago, the contents of which have proved a great blessing to generations of students. Every believer should be encouraged to make a study of this fascinating subject presented to us at length, with utmost attention to detail, in the Old Testament. The New Testament declares the tabernacle to be a foreshadowing of those things that now obtain in a heavenly setting in favour of the true believer.

To me, John Ritchie’s book is reminiscent of so much of the ministry I enjoyed from various brethren in bygone days, when heavy emphasis was placed on tabernacle teaching. Such ministry was enlightening, challenging and, above all, heart-warming in that it focused upon the unique glories of Christ’s person and the efficacy of His work on our behalf. There is great need for ministry of this calibre today. The author’s style of presentation is uncomplicated, and his appreciation of the typical teaching contained within this vast subject is entirely reasonable. This edition contains helpful illustrations (monochrome), with justifiable revision of the original edition in style, format and language, for the benefit of modern-day readers.


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