Mining for Wisdom

By Derek Thomas. 192 pp. Published by Evangelical Press, Grange Close, Faverdale North, Darlington, DL3 0PH, England, or PO BOX 84, Auburn, MA 01501, U.S.A. £7.95. ISBN 0 85234 531 3.

A book brought to my attention, and worthy of recommendation, is this collection of 28 readings selected from the somewhat neglected book of Job. There are notes accompanying the readings that enlighten as to the meaning of many of the cryptic statements included in the exchange of views between Job and his friends. At the end of each section, leading questions are posted that are calculated to promote honest selfappraisal in the minds of readers. Dr. Thomas seeks to match the experiences of Job, (affliction, subsequent soul-searching, debate) with those of today’s Christian. Although many centuries of time separate us from the lifetime of Job, and although the sophistication of the modern age guarantees that our lifestyle is altogether different from his, our basic problems remain the same.

The author asks that we might freely admit before God any fears and doubts we may be holding in our minds as the result of our experiencing pain of whatever sort. Acceptance of God’s sovereign will is involved and this includes our honest appraisal of personal circumstances, and full confrontation of particular problems that affect us. We look to God alone for solace in adversity and it is in such adversity that we learn more of the wonders of His greatness, and of His love towards us. Although the format of this book is devotional, the author makes his way through the entire book of Job in such a manner as to give good understanding of its contents. He writes in a lively style that will be appreciated by readers of all ages, and throughout the book makes good use of quotes.


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