Ezekiel – Coming Back From Exile

Ezekiel - Coming Back From Exile by John Riddle
576 pages, Paperback.
Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH, Scotland.
ISBN-13. 978-1-914273-15-5

This latest in a series of books taken from notes made available by the author is a welcome addition to the library of any serious student of the scriptures. John Riddle is well known throughout the UK and further afield for his lucid exposition of scripture, both oral and written.

The back-cover commendation of this book suggests that it is an ‘easy-to-read’ commentary. That in itself should recommend it to those wishing to have a clearer grasp of this important prophecy, so often neglected by many. However, at 576 pages, it is not simply an overview, but deals in some detail with each chapter under four main headings, Ruin, Retribution, Restoration and Return. Commencing with a helpful outline of the book, each chapter then corresponds to those of the prophecy, making it easy for the reader to locate any particular part of interest very quickly. Chapters are divided up under appropriate headings, without, thankfully, being bound by forced alliteration. The author calls freely upon the works of others to explain and substantiate his own exposition and he does not shy away from notoriously difficult passages. Chapters 33 to 39 give clear teaching on the restoration and regathering of Israel. This is in keeping with the whole tenor of scripture which emphasizes God’s faithful plans for the nation, in contradiction of more recent suggestions which would have us believe that there is no longer any divine purpose for the earthly people of God.

A portion of the book dealing with the millennial temple still leaves this reviewer with questions regarding the recommencement of blood sacrifices. Readers of this book, and of the scriptures, must draw their own conclusions.


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