Daniel Reconsidered – J. Allen

Hardback, 689 pages. Published by Scripture Teaching Library, Cookstown, Northern Ireland. Price: £19.99 ISBN: 978-1909789-11-1.

Those who have read or referenced Allen’s commentary on the book of Revelation in the What the Bible Teaches series will readily recognize that it is one of the best. This long anticipated ‘prophetic sequel’ on the book of Daniel will prove to be of similar ilk. There is meticulous attention to detail, a lucid style of writing, and comprehensive discussion of the more controversial scriptures and their various interpretations that have been propagated throughout the years. The reader is never left in any doubt as to the author’s view, and his arguments are most persuasive.

First and foremost, this is a commentary. Every verse is treated in detail, and Allen first seeks to give the sense of the original Hebrew before interpreting the verse or section in its historical and prophetic context. In addition, there are charts and maps, and a series of appendices, such as the ‘History of Judah’ and ‘The Maccabees and their Times’. Some chapters have their own excurses or preliminary questions, which are of great interest and ensure that no stone is left unturned. One such excursus is entitled: ‘Why does Scripture make no reference to a Revived Roman Empire?’ It would be useful to see these listed as an addition to the contents page of future editions.

There are many points of particular interest which could be included in this review, but here follows just two:

Many will agree with Mr Allen’s support of Sir Robert Anderson’s calculations in relation to Daniel’s seventy weeks prophecy (Dan. 9). It is concluded, from scripture, that the prophecy begins with the decree of Artaxerxes issued to Nehemiah (1st Nisan 445 BC, Neh. 2. 1-9, Dan. 9. 25) and the 69th week ends 173,880 days later when the Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem (10th Nisan AD 32).

However, not all will agree with the suggestion that the Antichrist is the False Prophet of Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 rather than the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 3-4. In addition, the identification of the four beasts of Daniel chapter 7 with future kingdoms, such as a possible British-American coalition (lion with eagle’s wings, Dan. 7. 4) will not be met with unanimous support. Yet, all of Allen’s suggestions are very carefully presented, and, most importantly, fully supported by careful exegesis and references to many other scriptures.

All in all, this commentary is a must for every serious student of prophecy, or the book of Daniel. It uses very recent worldwide political events to indicate the nearness of the fulfilment of these prophecies, and seeks to exalt the person of the Lord Jesus. The book is well published, and, in my opinion, sensibly priced. It will sit very comfortably next to J. F. Walvoord’s classic Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation. This reviewer, for one, only hopes that the book will get the circulation it deserves. Very highly recommended.


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