Come and Dine: Old Testament Readings for Every Day

$3.95, £1.95 plus 10% postage; 254 pages. From: as above.

This book is complementary to the corresponding Come and Dine with New Testament readings, reviewed on page 111 of the September 1976 issue. This Old Testament volume of daily readings throughout the year covers selected pas-sages from Genesis to Ecclesiastes, interspersed with relevant parts of Psalms and Proverbs. The object is to encourage young believers to read daily and systematically with spiritual understanding. Thus the style and approach is simple, filled out with references to the New Testament. It is not intended for those already well taught, but is a stimulus to younger ones to gain an overall view of the Old Testament. The book is enlivened by various maps to assist understanding the text. Volume 2 is promised later to complete the Old Testament through a second year’s readings. J.H.


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