Colossians and Philemon – A New Precious Seed Booklet

Colossians and Philemon. By J. M. Davies. Pp. 82. 2jp, including postage.

The author of this new Booklet has been a contributor to Precious Seed since its inception in 1945. We are thankful that he has recently found time in his busy life of service to write a commentary on Colossians and Philemon specially for this series of Booklets.

Whereas a most unpleasant heresy had infiltrated into the thinking of the Colossian church, yet Paul docs not dwell on the heresy; rather, he presents the truth of the most glorious and exalted Person of Christ in a positive way, such a presentation being sufficient to counteract the error. Readers will find this truth in its doctrinal and practical aspects thoroughly explored in the pages of this Booklet, and no believer should fail to profit from it. The Epistle to Philemon, representing exercises of individual Christian courtesy, will certainly help all believers in all walks of life in their mutual relationships the one with the other.

We therefore commend this Booklet to our readers, and we are glad that it takes its place among the growing number of Booklets being produced in the series. We have maintained the same standards of printing and production as demanded by the Committee in all its publications.



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