Book Review – Second Epistle to the Corinthians. By Dr. John Heading.

Pp. 241. 25s. John Ritchie Ltd., Kilmarnock. Distributed in U.S.A, and Canada by Walterick Publishers, Kansas City.

We have already noticed the first of these two volumes and registered our opinion of its value. In both these volumes we have a contribution of real merit and worth to Biblical exposition, and they deserve a wide circulation. If the reader is looking for mere verbal criticisms, for exhibition of book learning and stiff logical arrangement, he will be disappointed; but if he is looking for deep spiritual insight, reverent meditation, serene thoughtfulness and far-reaching views of spiritual realities, he will be abundantly rewarded. The references to the Greek text enhance the value of these two volumes and they are restrained, wise and enlightened. Again, the letter-press is excellent and the “get up” first class. C. G.


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