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Showing 49–72 of 130 results


It was no easy position in which Ezekiel found himself. For him, as Jeremiah the weeping prophet who animated him, the general low conditions were heart-breaking. The prophet observed a people departing from Jehovah, divided among themselves, yet fanatically following a decayed ritual.


Faith Matters 10 (Bundle of 100)

Faith matters 10 is now available to order. This is the latest issue of the popular evangelistic series. As there is a limited print run we recommend you order soon to avoid disappointment.


Faith Matters 11 (Bundle of 100)

This is the latest edition of Faith Matters. Once again, there is a mixture of gospel-orientated articles from different authors over 12 pages and is suitable for evangelistic work. Available in packs of 100. Please note that purchase of this product will entitle customers to purchase Faith Matters 10 at the discounted price of £3.50 (Non-Trade Customers only) while stocks last. A voucher code will be emailed following completion of the sale.


Faith Matters 4 (Bundle of 100)

Original price was: £10.00.Current price is: £5.00.

Faith Matters 4 (Bundle of 100)

Original price was: £10.00.Current price is: £5.00.

Faith Matters 8 (Bundle of 100)

With articles by Jonathan Black and others, there is something topical and evangelical on every page. This is a limited print run.


Faith Matters 9 (Bundle of 100)

The latest edition of Faith Matters is available to order. With articles by Stephen Baker and others, there is something topical and evangelical on every page. This is a limited print run.

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We are sorry, but this title is not currently available to order.


Future Events

This is the fifth book in this series from the ministry of Albert Leckie, following on from Romans 1-8, The Tabernacle and The Offerings, 1 John and The Upper Room Ministry of the Lord Jesus. May the Lord be pleased to use it to the blessing of the Lord’s people, that there might be a deeper understanding of divine purpose and a greater devotion to Him.



The book of Galatians was written to ensure that none would look to men, but only to the finished work of the Lord Jesus as their only hope for eternity.


God’s Programme for the Ages

This book focusses on God’s programme for the ages of time. Each of ‘The three sevens’ show that nothing is happening by chance. Man is not on the ascendancy. God is in complete control. The step-by-step developments in the seven feasts of Jehovah in Leviticus chapter 23, the seven mysteries of the kingdom in Mathew chapter 13, and the seven churches of Asia in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 show unequivocally that everything is under a higher hand.



It is anticipated that this book will be available to order in early May. This commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews is the latest book by Norman Mellish.


In Due Time

The Old Testament is full of fascinating, frightening, heroic, heart-rending, amusing, amazing true stories – and none more so than the story of Esther.

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Israel in History and Prophecy

We are sorry, but this title is no longer available to order. Brought up in a Christian family Alan Linton has made frequent visits to Israel. From his interest in Bible study and, in particular, Bible prophecy, he has written this book which maps out the biblical perspective on Israel in history and prophecy. It is sure to whet the appetite of those who believe that God’s dealings with Israel are not finished.


Jonah and the Whale Story

The story of Jonah retold in rhyme by Stuart Scammell and illustrated by Feyi Medland


Joshua to Ruth

The stories of Joshua to Ruth -from the Bible have been put into rhyme to help make memories children will never forget.

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New Song Singing

We are sorry, but this title is no longer available to order. Scripture urges believers to ‘sing a new song’ to the Lord. But what does that mean? And how can we do it? In New-song Singing, long-time teaching elder David Brauch explores these questions and more.


Notes on Galatians and Philippians

William Trew was born in December 1902 in New Stevenston, Scotland. He trusted the Lord Jesus as a young man of 17, was baptized and received into fellowship in the assembly meeting at Shields Road, Motherwell and was commended to the work of the Lord at the early age of 19.

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NT Overview – Romanian Edition

We are sorry, but this title is not currently available to order. ROMANIAN EDITION This New Testament Overview first appeared as five separate volumes and is now published complete in one volume. It is compiled and edited by John Bennett who is General Editor of Precious Seed International.


NT Overview – Single Volume

This New Testament Overview first appeared as five separate volumes and is now published complete in one volume. It is compiled and edited by John Bennett who is General Editor of Precious Seed International.


NT Overview – Single Volume –

Digital Copy in Epub Format only. Available for download following successful payment For further information regarding our eBooks please visit our Digital Media Guide


NT Overview – Single Volume –

Digital Copy in Mobi (Kindle) Format only. Available for download following successful payment For further information regarding our eBooks please visit our Digital Media Guide


OT Overview – Volume 1

In this particular volume, Richard Catchpole provides us with an overview of the books that detail the creation of life, the fall, the reestablishment of man's relationship with God on the basis of sacrifice, the flood, God's call of Abram, the establishment of a nation, the Exodus from Egypt, as well as the life of the patriarchs.


OT Overview – Volume 2

The Books covered in this volume are Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.


OT Overview – Volume 3

Volume 3 of the popular Old Testament Overview series.
