Author –

William Trew
Articles by this Author
The second section of these books very fittingly doses with the account in 1 Sam. 15 of the Lord’s final rejection of Saul. The terms of his commission from God against the Amalekites were precise, ye…
In this series of meditations on the Books of Samuel, we have been seeking to discover principles that could be applied in a practical way to the people of God today. We have traced the movements of t…
During his exile the days of David were spent under the government and guidance of God. In every circumstance that had developed, he had consulted God and had found his strength in patient waiting for…
We continue to draw attention to the Historical Rooks because we believe that the neglect of their significant lessons helps to explain why so many seem unable to discern the import of present day tre…
THE APOSTLE PAUL is brought before us in the New Testament as a pattern for us in three different ways - Our pattern in Salvation. Our pattern in Service. Our pattern of Saintliness. For the first o…
I. Introduction and Chapter OneThe theme of the Epistle is not Christian position, but rather Christian experience in the wilderness, as we tread our pilgrim way through this world toward our heavenly…
CHRIST THE PATTERN OF A SELFLESS LIFE In our outline of the Epistle we suggested that the theme of chapter 2 is Christ the Pattern of a Selfless Life. It is clear that the chapter before us is divided…
3b. Chapter Three, verses 4-21CHRISTTHEPURSUIT OFANARDENTLIFEWe have already suggested that our chapter is divided into four paragraphs, and were occupied with the first of these (vv. 1-3) in the prev…
3a. Chapter 3, vv. 1-3CHRIST THE PURSUIT OF AN ARDENT LIFEAs we read the chapter before us now, we are reminded of that fact that the name ‘Philippian’ means ‘lover of horses’ and immediately we think…
CHRIST THE POWER OF AVICTORIOUSLIFEWe have noticed that one of the outstanding features of this Epistle is that the apostle appeals constantly to his own Christian character, and that of others, as th…
In our last article we sought to trace, in the early chapters of 1 Samuel, the development of the conditions of evil, for which cause the Hand of God was upon His people in discipline. “God forsook th…
We have already suggested that the subject of the 2nd main section of these books (ch. 8 – ch. 15) is “The repudiation of the theocracy, and the enslavement of the people of God to a principle of huma…
The Books of Samuel originally formed one undivided work, and in the Hebrew mss, they still do so. The division into two books originated with the Alexandrian translators (LXX), and in the sixteenth c…
The Holy Scriptures are written, “not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth”, 1 Cor. 2. 13. Therefore it is of vital importance in our reading of the Scriptures, …
Introducing a series of studies entitled “The Assembly as Presented in Scripture.” Next month, “The Assembly as the Place of My Throne.” The Holy Scriptures are written, “not in the words which man’…
In the passage to which now we turn, the apostle designates the assembly, “Body of Christ”(1 Cor. 12: 27, lit.). The omission of the definite article is significant of the fact that the local assembly…
The apostle himself had laid the foundation of the work of God in Corinth. “The preaching of the Cross is … unto us which are saved … the power of God” (1: 18). This was the theme of Paul’s message, “…
The condition of the saints in Corinth was such, that when the Apostle wrote his first Epistle to them, he felt the need of repeated warning. In 8. 9, he warns against the spirit of inconsiderateness …
It is to be recognized that “The House of God” is a term used in other passages of the New Testament of that which could not be contained within the limits of any locality (Heb. 3. 1-6; 10. 21;1Peter …
The word translated “flock” in Acts 20-28, and in 1 Peter 5. 2-3, is probably the diminutive form of the word so translated in John 10-16 (R.V.). Though the word is used by the Lord Jesus to designate…
A series of studies on the Assembly as Presented in Scripture. The truth of the Lordship of Christ in the assembly should be kept prominently before the saints in ministry as giving character to the a…
In previous Articles Mr. Trew has brought forward the practical power of the fact that the local Assembly is characterised as “God’s Husbandry” and as “God’s Building.” We are now invited to study a t…
The apostle now proceeds, in the second paragraph, to speak both of the instruments used by God in the accomplish-ment of the intention of salvation, and of the intervention of the Enemy to thwart the…
We continue with the development of the four ideas contained in the section Galatians 1. 6 to 2. 16. (c) The Confirmation and Consolidation of the Work of the Gospel among the Gentiles, 2. 1-10. We ha…
We have now reached the second of the three main sections of this Epistle. CHAPTERS 3 AND 4 THE FULNESS OF CHRIST‘S REDEMPTION TO DELIVER FROM THE CURSE, CONDEMNATION AND CAPTIVITY OF THE LAW There ar…
We have now reached the second paragraph in the second of the three main sections of the Epistle. 2. The Meaning of the Law in the Design of God, 3. 15-29- (a)The Morality of the God of Promise and Co…
We now consider the third paragraph of the second main section of the Epistle. 3. The Ministry of the Spirit of Sonship, 4.1-31. In this third part of this section of the Epistle, the apostle turns bu…
We have now reached what we have suggested is the third main section of the Epistle. CHAPTERS 5 AND 6 THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IN THE CHARACTER OF THE BELIEVER "The Spirit" is not mentioned at all in t…
We come now to the closing part of Paul’s message. We have seen that the sixth chapter is the continuation of chapter 5, these two chapters forming the last main section of the Epistle. In chapter 6, …
The apostle had a twofold object in view in writing this Epistle to the churches of Galatia. 1. From the true spiritual character of the Christian revelation which had been brought to them in Paul’s p…
In our last article we considered the character of the rule of Saul, and showed that he exemplified a principle of human rule, which, when established in authority in the hearts of the people of God. …
W. A. NORRIS Mr. W. A. Norris, Cardiff, passed to be with Christ on Lord’s Day 25th February, 1968. Saved in tender years, baptized and received into fellowship before he was twelve years old, he was …
Book Reviews by this Author
Galatians and Philippians, by the late William Trew (64 pages). 24 including postage (see rear cover of magazine). The Committee believe that many readers will appreciate the publication in booklet …

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