Author –

William MacDonald
Articles by this Author
The Book of Ecclesiastes describes Solomon’s search for the meaning of life, by his own unaided intellect and apart from divine revelation. His conclusion was that life is vanity and as futile as chas…
David and the other writers of the Psalms were worshippers. They had great thoughts of God. The marvels of His creation swept them away in rapturous song. When they considered His greatness, goodness,…
Book Reviews by this Author
Paperback, 108pp. Published by Gospel Folio Press, 304 Killaly Street West, Port Colborne, ON, Canada L3K 6A6. Price £6.99 ISBN 978-1-897117-60-6 The author of this little book shows himself to be f…
$1.00 or 40p (plus 10% postage). 40 pages. In the “Current Concerns" series, contains wise counsel for young converts, and also for elders who may have to deal with these problems if they exist amon…
The author has selected 366 verses from the Bible and written a short message on each one, showing how the truth should be applied to the daily life of the believer. 376 pages. Can be obtained in the …
By William MacDonald. 240 pages. John Ritchie Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH, Scotland. ISBN 09 463513 76. It is ever a pleasure to review a book by William MacDonald, especially one so pra…

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