Author –

W Threadgold
Articles by this Author
One of the tragedies of our day is the spectacle of so many young folk leading aimless lives – lives with no direction and without any stabilising influence. Such were not the lives of the Christians …
‘For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God’, Heb. 3. 4 Three things must here be noted: first, a building is erected when there is a need for it. Someone needs a plac…
WE HAVE SEEN SOME OF THE PURPOSES of God for the Church in the present and we are now to consider some of the glories which await her at the consummation of the Father’s counsels for His Son. It would…
IN THIS ARTICLE we shall consider the provision God has made for Scripture teaching, for Christian witness, and for the maintenance of order and discipline in the Church; if the Church, the body of Ch…
THE NEW TESTAMENT contains many references to the Church, and they have such an important place in the numerous instructions relevant to Christian living, that it is of the very first importance that …
WE HAVE NOW TO INQUIRE into the reasons why God has established the Church upon earth and we shall find that here, as in all His works, His aim is to glorify His Son the Lord Jesus.Firstly, let us con…
The wide scope and variety of subjects dealt with in the New Testament may be realized when we attempt to collect some of these together under some comprehensive scheme of study. The purpose of this a…

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