Author –

W. J. Burrows
Articles by this Author
IN CONCLUDING THIS SERIES of articles dealing with that stirring movement of the Spirit of God which restored to the people of God, some 130 years past, a semblance of first love, with a commendable a…
As WE PROCEED with the development of the subject that was before us last issue we come now to a consideration of details relating to certain Divine movements which occurred during the second quarter …
BEFORE we attempt to draw some spiritual lessons from the history of the man whose honoured name is found at the commencement of this article, we must ask the for-bearance of the reader while we detai…
THE fears that the subject of Christian Fellowship, with its glorious privileges and weighty responsibilities, is but little known, and perhaps less understood, amongst us. We are living in a day that…
There is something very pathetic in the manner in which the Apostle describes the conduct of the man whose testimony we purpose considering in this article. In order that the matter may be before the …
It is most refreshing to read that excellent New Testament book ‘The Acts of the Apostles’. To begin with, the best method of studying this inspired record of early Church history is that of reading t…
Those believers for whose benefit these pages are written, will have long since discerned and appreciated the fact that in each of the New Testament Epistles addressed to companies of God’s people, th…
IT WILL BE READILY RECOGNIZED by every child of God that the imperative necessity of spiritual life is that of spiritual food. Our Lord Jesus said, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every wor…
IT is always wise to draw the screen of a discreet and considerate silence over the failures of others. The well-seasoned adage of many years past is still perfectly true–” People who live in glass ho…
IT is surely a matter of the first importance that all believers – and especially those young in the faith – should be crystal clear in regard to all that the Scriptures teach concerning the collectiv…
The spiritual resources of a believer in Christ are immense and inexhaustible. Since by the gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit we have been led into the way of salvation, He would also open to us th…
Our purpose In this and subsequent articles under the above heading, is to reach those younger in the faith with a message that will encourage them to determine with true purpose of heart that the pas…
It would appear that the great underlying purpose of the Holy Spirit in the Epistle to the Hebrews is that of stirring the believer to spiritual progress. The Christians to whom the Epistle was writte…
SURELY A MOST PERTINENT QUESTION and one that gives continual challenge to the thought and affection of every believer, whether newly come to the faith or of long-standing experience of the wondrous g…
OUR VERY CASUAL GLANCE at the Epistle to the Romans brought us, in our last ‘Talk’, to the closing verses of chapter 7. The question at the head of this article, asked by the apostle in Rom. 7. 24, an…

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