Author –

W. Fraser Naismith
Articles by this Author
AN INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE READINGS The generally accepted divisions of this Epistle are as follows: i.Chapters 1 to 8 – Doctrinal, ii. Chapters 9 to 11 – Dispensational. iii. Chapters 12 to 16 – Practi…
Chapter 3 The key verse of this chapter is “Christ is all, and in all”, v. 11. The chapter contains three precious truths: 1.Christ, the Object of the believer’s heart and mind, vv. 1-4. 2.The practic…
The key verse of this chapter is verse 9, “in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily”. The first four verses reveal Paul’s Spiritual Exercise. He wrestled in prayer for the saints. What a …
Chapter 4 The key phrase of this chapter occurs at the close of verse 12, “that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God”. An analysis of the chapter is as follows: 3.18-25, Introducti…
The Epistle to the Colossians is the Epistle of fulness. A brief analysis of the letter confirms this. Chapter 1 indicates Christ as Fulness Revealed. Chapter 2 declares Christ as Fulness Resident. Ch…
There are three basic principles alluded to in chapter 6 of the Gospel by John. Firstly, in verse 51 Christ stated, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven’. The emphasis here is on the inc…
The second food problem was the feeding of the nation of Israel throughout their wanderings in the wilderness over forty years, Exod. 16. 35. The marvel of the divine provision is emphasized in the be…
In that interesting story of the prodigal son recorded in Luke 15, the young man as he served by the swine troughs confessed that in his father’s house there was bread enough and to spare;, yet he was…
In Proverbs 8. 30 Wisdom is referred to as “a master-workman” (R.V.); or “his artificer” (J.N.D.’s note). He who built all things in the material creation is at present engaged on another structure of…
No. 2 – The Local Assembly The Lord, in His wisdom, has given us a pattern which we do well to maintain in the community life of believers: and though in 1 Corinthians 14 assembly order is presented, …

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