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Articles by this Author
“Precious Seed” finds itself in strange company. It was with a curious mixture of feelings we read in a recent issue of The Daily Telegraph Mr. C. B. Mortlock’s review of a Report published by the Soc…
Assembly History Early assembly missionaries from Plymouth, England, arrived in Kuala Lumpur in 1891 and Bluff Road Gospel Hall was built in 1897. For the next twenty-five years the witness grew and t…
There has been a lamentable tendency to leave evangelism to the evangelist and to neglect personal witness. We believe that many who are awakening to the danger of this will welcome counsel from a per…
Telling only part of the truth or combining truth and falsehood in one statement. Someone has said, ‘Beware of a half-truth; you may get hold of the wrong half’, Matt. 5. 37. A truthful tongue speaks…
Two other items demand our consideration. 1. The Drink Offering. This is not mentioned in Leviticus 1-7, but it is associated characteristically with the sweet savour offerings, and it is important, N…
This magazine was commenced just over two years ago in the conviction that there was a need to reemphasize the teaching of the New Testament with regard to the local church. Nothing has happened to we…
Argument often degenerates into an unedifying attempt to display superior knowledge or skill. That a man gets the better of an argument does not necessarily prove the truth of his contention – it may …
The lamb sufficient for a man. “Abel was a keeper of sheep … he also brought of the firstlings of his flock”, Gen. 4. 2-4. The lamb sufficient for a family. "They shall take every man a lamb … a lamb…
Pastoral Articles are provided as and when we put together contributions from believers involved in the particular difficulty that is highlighted. They are set out so as not only to state the particul…
RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN‘S WORK WEB SITES Those who are engaged in Sunday School or Children’s work will be aware of the difficulties of retaining the interest of the children in their care. Providing …
Blairhall is a small village of approximately 1000 people in West Fife, Scotland. The Gospel Hall is situated at the North Lodge of what was the original estate of Comrie Castle. During the early 1930…
Brass Tacks is a faith venture set up in the UK to offer practical and technical help to assist missionaries and others involved in the Lord’s work at home and abroad. Since 1986 our volunteers have c…
The saints meeting at Bryn Mawr recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the assembly at a dinner in a local hotel attended by over 80 past and present members of the fellowship. B…
This is a new, periodic contribution of articles to the magazine that aims at trying to support elders and others who feel burdened about a pastoral ministry for fellow believers. These articles will …
The Christian finds the reason for his existence explained by Christ. He was created for the glory of Christ (1. 16). To Christ he is indebted for his redemption (1. 14). In Christ he finds his comple…
ASSEMBLY YOUTH seeks to encourage young believers in a number of ways. There is a monthly ministry ‘magazine’ that covers a number of subjects. There are also a number of testimo…
For many people, overseas missionary work is considered exciting and out of the ordinary, whereas similar work in the homeland does not seem quite so special. Sadly, this disparity filters through to …
Spoken ministry irretrievably fades unless recorded, but written ministry lives on. This characterizes the exposi-tory teaching of our brother Mr. E. W. Rogers, who at the age of 84 departed to be wit…
There is a wide moral difference between Egypt and Babylon, which it is important to see and understand. Egypt was that out of which Israel came; Babylon was that into which they were afterward carrie…
Frederick Cundick’s ministry to Assemblies of the Saints spanned a period during which there were many changes among them, yet of him it can be said: He was unaccommodating to innovations which could …
What are we doing? Determined efforts are being made to spread, in our towns and villages, false teaching which involves a denial of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Faith. The most active a…
“ God setteth the solitary in families,” but influences are at work in the world to reverse the process and to dissolve family life 90 that each member can pursue his solitary way. In certain strata o…
It is with much regret that the committee have to record the home-call of our brother, Mr Harold P. Hobbs, which took place suddenly on Thursday, February 1st, 1979. Our brother was invited to join th…
It is with deep regretthat we have to inform our readers of the Home-call of our brother Harry Lacey, on June 18th, at the age of 48. From his youth he gave himself to the careful study of the Scriptu…
There’s a Man in yonder glory, I have loved for many years, He has cleared my guilty conscience and has banished all my fears. He is coming in ‘a moment' in ‘the twinkling of an eye’, And no time wil…
We regret the passing of an esteemed brother from the ranks and extend our sympathy at this time to his widow and family. Having put his trust in the Lord for salvation as a child he continued, ‘alway…
On January 11th 1956, five days after her husband had been killed, a widow wrote home to her parents,‘I want you to know that your prayers are being answered moment by moment as regards me – I am ever…
(written in 1871) A more momentous subject could hardly engage the attention of a Christian parent than that of “books”. One of our greatest practical difficulties is to preserve our children from the…
Phil. 4. 11. How can you find true contentment? By observing these three simple principles: Seek it. Make contentment a daily choice. Come to the place where you really believe that more does not eq…
LEONARD CAVEOur brother, and able Secretary for many years has now reluctantly relinquished his long association with the magazine. We would take this opportunity to record our appreciation of his ded…
Some people have a job in the local church, others involve themselves in a ministry. If you quit because somebody criticized you, it was a job. If you keep on serving, it’s a ministry. If you quit be…
‘I am eighty-five .. I am as strong now … as I was at forty’ Caleb is the champion of the second half. Listen, ‘Give me the hill country. Even though I'm eighty-five, I'm as strong as I was at forty’,…
It is with sorrow that we record the recent homecall of our beloved brother and fellow-worker. Coming on to the Committee of Precious Seed in 1966 he fulfilled the role of Secretary for many years, un…
The popular interpretation which makes Paul’s words about building gold, silver and precious stones, refer to the individual believer’s responsibility to cultivate in his personal life those qualities…
During the summer of 1899, a gospel tent was pitched on the open space at the bottom of Cadzow Rows. The gospel message was earnestly and faithfully preached by an evangelist, Mr. Alex Lamb from Dalme…
‘He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to the fathers’ Almost 20 million children in America grow up without a father – seventyfive percent of them in po…
‘Be ye angry, and sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath’, Eph. 4. 26. Anger is not a sin; mismanaging it is! The first thing to remember when you get mad at someone is, it means you care!…
Exactly when a local group of Christians started meeting together in Neston, is not known. But what is known is that a certain Mr. John Edridge, the owner of Pockeridge House, held meetings in his dra…
In view of the persistent efforts to spread the false doctrine known iii Conditional Immortality’ we print a, letter which Mr. J. Monypenny, of Belfast wrote to the Conditional ha mortality Mission in…
Some helps in dealing with the circumstances when individuals or families leave an assembly suddenly and unexpectedly There are occasions when without any real indication, individuals or families deci…
God’s Perfect Work is the Rock, his work is per- fect”, Deut. 32. 4. God’s Perfect Way “As for God, his way is perfect”, 2 Sam. 22. 31. God’s Perfect Word law of the Lord is perfect”, Psa. 19. 7. God’…
To be a prophet in Old Testament times was a hazardous occupation. You only had one chance to get it right. ‘The prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him …
Keep this leaflet for reference, You will probably need it. If any man or woman tries to sell you religious books or to engage you in religious conversation REQUEST CLEAR ANSWERS to three questions (1…
An aged Christian suggests that believers who wish to be vessels unto honour, sanctified and meet for the Master’s use, might profitably ask themselves these questions: – 1. Is it a great joy to be at…
During 1859, a great time of revival in the preaching of the gospel gave rise to blessing which spread from Ireland to Scotland, and many souls were saved. This led to the formation of the assemblies …
‘Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in the body, acc…
From the times of the apostles, the first day of the week has been held in honour by Christians as The Lord’s Day, Rev. 1.10. The reasons for this are that it was on the first day of the week that the…
DILEMMA BOX You are running a charitable project feeding homeless street children which has caught the attention of some non-Christians in the community. They are keen to help you financially and offe…
This is Grace’s story. She was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1989. She was a beautiful, sweet-natured girl who was well loved by her peers. Her face always glowed with unusual warmth and vivacity and he…
The Church – its nurture ‘God is not the author of confusion but of peace’ - ‘Let everything be done decently and in order'are instructions from God to an assembly of Christians, 1 Cor. 14. 33, 40, an…
The Church – its nature Having heard the gospel and taken the first two steps of obedience in response to it, it is vital for each new believer to follow the example set by the first Christians. The f…
“Training with a view to Missionary Work” was the subject under consideration at a Meeting of Brethren held during the course of the Missionary Conference at Cardiff recently. After Mr. P. L. Gould ha…
CHRISTIANS CONDEMN UNIVERSITY BAN ON ‘GAY CURE’ ABSTINENCE COURSE Christian leaders have condemned Edinburgh University for banning students belonging to the Christian Union from teaching an abstinenc…
MALAYSIAN PRIME MINISTER CALLS FOR RESTRICTIONS ON EVANGELIZING MUSLIMS Most of Malaysia’s sixteen states have laws which prohibit the propagation of other religions amongst Muslims. Recently Malaysia…
Charles Clarke opposes creationism Charles Clarke (recent Home Secretary) stepped into the controversy over creationism by declaring that he was ‘totally opposed’ to the concept. Mr Clarke, who said t…
Without doubt, to have a faith focused on Christ, which fights in earnest and functions in love, is really something, especially in our society today. Our current culture is concerned with the visible…
The need for the seed Do we have a responsibility to the unsaved? Can we look at the unconverted around us, heading unconsciously toward destruction, without being moved? Can we think of the doom that…
Book Reviews by this Author
On the rear cover of the magazine we always print a list of books available by post, or by personal request when possible, since some committee members have copies with them when they visit other asse…
Software. Published by Nelson Electronic Media. Available from Sunrise Software, Wesley House, PO Box 300, Kingstown Broadway, Carlisle, CA3 0QS. Price £44.95 (discounts available). For a price as l…
On-Line Bible Foundation, 12 Birkfield Place, Carluke, ML8 4PZ, Scotland or Timnathserah Inc, 11 Homewood Street, Winterbourne, Ontario, Canada This new version of the popular Bible software program…
Stepping stones through the Bible day by day This book fills a gap in the children’s book market and comes in full colour. The target purchasers are parents and grandparents of children in the age ra…
20pp. Available at £2.00 (Church pack, min. 20 copies, £1 ea. plus carriage) from FRONTIERS, P.O. Box 600, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9UG. This booklet has come to hand, and in the light of the treme…
The reception given by the Lord’s people to our previous publication Church Doctrine and Practice has encouraged us to prepare a new 400-page book covering a wide variety of Christian doctrines. Consi…
Desk Diary, £3.45. Pocket Diary, £2.80, Sunday School & Children’s Diary, 85 pence. For post and packing add 50p. Professional Book Services, Acorn House, Salisbury Road, Bath BA1 6QX. The objec…

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