Author –

Tony Renshaw
Articles by this Author
The object of this study is to consider three statements penned by the apostle Paul, each in a different Epistle, in order to learn the practical and valuable lessons which they contain. The feature w…
“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God}”, Micah 6. 8. The Christian can look back over …
Chapters 12 and 13 of John’s Gospel contain two remarkable narratives. They describe Mary at Jesus’ feet, 12. 1-9, and Jesus at the disciples’ feet, 13. 1-17. The two passages invite careful compariso…
It is very instructive to consider certain striking contrasts between the upbringing and preparation for service of John the Baptist and of the Lord Jesus as recorded in Luke’s Gospel. John was to dri…
Exodus 3 describes Moses’ crucial encounter with the living God. The day began like any other. He had no reason to expect it to be different. Forty years earlier he had fled from Egypt as a rebel prin…
The MidwivesJoseph had been the saviour of Egypt, but when his generation died, ‘there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph’, Exod. 1. 8. By then the Hebrews were spreading across Egy…
The five closing verses of Luke chapter ten give us the earliest glimpse in the gospels of a family in Bethany which became very precious to the Lord. The family consisted of two sisters and their bro…
Bethesda and Siloam, Chapters 5 and 9 These are the names of two pools in Jerusalem, which are linked with the miracles described in chapters 5 and 9. The first involved an impotent man and the second…
John the Baptist meets the Leaders, 1. 19-28 These verses describe an encounter between John the Baptist and a deputation of priests and Levites. The key phrases are ‘from God’ and ‘from Jerusalem’. O…
The healing of the woman with the issue of blood, and the raising of Jairus’ daughter, illustrate some of the contrasted ways in which the Lord Jesus dealt with needy souls when He was here on earth. …
This psalm was born on a clear night. David had gazed up into the darkness, and had seen the moon and the stars shining like jewels. Nighttime brings its own vision. You can see most in the heavens wh…
In the previous issue, verses l-4a of this Psalm were considered; we now examine the remaining verses 4b-8. “And hast crowned him with glory and honour”, v. 5. Perhaps this refers to man as having bee…
In chapter 1 verse 5 Mark describes the widespread response which John’s ministry produced, “And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in …
A man often reveals most about himself when he least intends it. Luke does this in the first four verses of his Gospel. In explaining to his Christian friend Theophilus why he was writing the book, he…
“And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me”; “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me…”, Matt. 10. 38; 11. 29. Herearetwowoodenstructures, both familiar sights in Is…
Having considered the significance of the cross for the Christian, we turn now to an assessment of the yoke which the Lord Jesus invites us to take up. The invitation forms part of the very familiar w…
“And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness”, Mark 1. 12. This is a remarkable verse. The dove-like Spirit becomes the driving Spirit, brooking no delay. The word “immediately” suggest…
Two men were present in Jerusalem during the closing days of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus, each of whom had been concealing the truth about his relationship to the Saviour. Judas Iscariot had ap…
The Gospel of John records how, in the upper room in Jerusalem, the Lord Jesus began to reveal to the disciples the imminence of His departure from them, “Little children, yet a little while I am with…
The first thirteen verses of Mark’s opening chapter contain all that he has to say before beginning to describe the period of the Saviour’s public ministry. He thus reaches this period much more rapid…
Luke 15. 11-32 unfolds the third section of a three-part parable, the familiar story of the prodigal son’s departure from and return to his father’s house, and of the reception he finally received the…
The first ten verses of Isaiah 11 contain a brief but comprehensive prophecy of the coming into the world of the Messiah and of the kingdom which He will finally estabfish. The passage omits all refer…
The Lord Jesus Christ spoke eight times from the cross. Three times He prayed, addressing Himself twice to His Father and once to His God. Three times He addressed people, speaking to His mother, to J…
The Promise to the Thief. “And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shall thou be with me in paradise. And i…
We now have two further sayings for our meditation, the first being the cry of dereliction “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” recorded by both Matthew and Mark, and the second, the prayer of…
We conclude with John’s crucifixion narrative, which includes four of the eight sayings from the cross; see 19. 23-30. He omits the two prayers which the Lord uttered at the beginning and the end of H…
Christian witness is usually thought of as involving the various forms of gospel outreach undertaken by believers and local churches. It is thought of as including personal evangelism, tract distribut…
4. The Witness of Christian Teaching, 1 Cor. 14. 24-25. Paul’s immediate concern in the context of this reference is to show that strangers entering a local church meeting would derive no benefit from…
Among the many titles given to the Lord Jesus in the Gospel by John, there are three which invite consideration and comparison by their use of the same adjective. He is described as the True Light, 1.…
John chapter 2 describes two feasts, a wedding feast at Cana and a Passover feast at Jerusalem. The first was a local event and the second was a national one. The presence of the Lord Jesus proved cru…
The two opening chapters of Luke’s Gospel record the angelic visits to Zacharias and Mary, and the conception and birth of John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ. The way in which Luke records the…
In Ephesians chapter 6 Paul deals with the Christian’s armour, for he saw the Christian life as a life of conflict. The call to service for Christ is essentially a call to battle. We have been enliste…
Why were Zacharias and Elizabeth so privileged as to be chosen to become the parents of the last and greatest of the prophets of the old covenant period? Luke does not furnish an extensive description…

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