Author –

Terry Dunn
Articles by this Author
PROVERBS 29. 18; HABAKKUK2. 1-4; ACTS 26. 19; REVELATION 3.14-22 Few Bible-studying believers will deny that we appear to be living in the last days of the church age, the days of Revelation 3. 14-22…
Very often, when reading through a list of names or genealogies in the Word of God, we come across a verse or two suggestive of deep spiritual truth. In 1 Chronicles 4, there are perhaps three such pa…
Having considered in our previous paper the fine linen, the ancient things and the potters occurring in this passage, the next fact that we discover about these men is that they: Dwelt among Plants an…
This little Epistle of only fourteen verses is full of lessons for us today. Comparing it with the Second Epistle, we notice a number of con-trasts. In the Second Epistle, we are told not to receive i…
THE MEN OF ZADOK: PRIESTLY LEVITES, EZEKIEL 44. 4, 5, 15-31 The Book of Ezekiel may be divided into three parts or sections: 1. The rebellion of Israel, as God sees it, when he pleads His cause, chs.…

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