Author –

T. Stephen
Articles by this Author
I. HISTORICALLYGENESIS HAS WELL BEEN NAMED the book of beginnings. How blessed it is to think that God, at the very roots of man’s history, had the sacrifice of Christ in mind, as is revealed to us in…
A meditation pregnant with suggestion to the reverent student. There is a presentation of the Person of Christ in the Gospels, which answers to the offerings in the book of Leviticus, the typical te…
1.Standing by the Cross.–(John 12. 26 ; 19. 25, 26). These Scriptures would indicate to us that to follow Christ and to identify ourselves with His Cross and all that it means, we need to be moved in …
One of the most striking of the requirements of God for the Nazarite was complete abstention from wine (Num. 6. 3, 4). Nothing that tended to stimulate nature to excess, or to carry it beyond the boun…

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