Author –

T. J. Lawson
Articles by this Author
You all know how that proverb ends, and many of you will be using that proof again very shortly, “in the eating" of your Christmas puddings! Of course yours will be a good pudding: mother is a good co…
It was in the year 1941 that I was called for service in the Royal Navy. That proved to be the great turning-point in my life and carter. For a young man of nineteen, brought up in a comfortable home …
My eye falls upon this sentence as I read a well-known book. “As a handbook of Science the venerable book is not entirely reliable.” What about science? Is it so completely reliable? Let us see. Had y…
(Note. We think we have found a helper for Mr. Lawson, and we hope that his first message for you will appear in the next issue. Your thoughts will soon be turning to Christmas – if they have not been…
An infidel once twitted a well-known Doctor for putting any faith in the Bible. “It is a book subject to so much con­troversy, and the authorship of some parts is so uncertain; I wonder how you can be…
During an intense part of the fighting which took place in the Western Desert, a group of 8th Army Tank Corps men could be seen gathered around a senior officer. Hard fighting lay behind them and plen…
“Throw down a penny, George.” The little native boy, his chocolate-colon red skin shining in the sun, paddled hit; home-made canoe around the huge British troopship which lay at anchor in the harbour …
The “Word” at Work By L. G. Terry, Evangelist in the Southampton Docks As the Evangelist in the docks at Southampton, a unique opportunity is mine to place the Scriptures in the hands of all nationali…
“THE BIBLE A BOOK FOR TODAY” By Lieut.-General Sir William Dobbie, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. D.S.O. As Acting Governor and gallant defender of Malta during the Second World War, Sir William Dobbie was describe…
Why is it sometimes so difficult to be sure of the will of God in certain matters? Here, we believe, is the answer. The religion of Islam has over 200,000,000 followers known as Moslems – and a large …
Driving along a road not far from Cheltenham, I caught sight of a school-crest with these words engraved– Vision, Venture, Victory–the school motto, and a very good one too. This, I thought, is a mott…
Gloucester is a city with a well–known record in the history of our land, with which you arc no doubt well acquainted. It was in this famous old place that I spent my schooldays, and amongst the most …
You have often said these words, haven’t you? Perhaps some problem has arisen in your studies or you have an invitation to go some where, maybe some fit her matter needs a decision – whatever it is, i…

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