Author –

T. Ernest Wilson
Articles by this Author
Considered as a type, Genesis 22 has remarkable significance. Here we see father and son going up together to mount Moriah. An altar is built and in a figure the son is sacrificed and raised from the …
In the Acts of the Apostles, where we have the historical account of the foundation and development of the church from its early beginning in Jerusalem until there were many local assemblies planted i…
It is evident that at the close of Paul’s life he was particularly concerned about leadership in the church. The function of elders is barely mentioned in his earlier Epistles, but in the Pastoral Epi…
In our key verse Paul says, “These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly”, i Tim. 3.14. “These things” would naturally refer to the four great subjects of the first three chapters…
Having reviewed the teaching of these Epistles regarding the church, its constitution and the various forms of its testimony, we now come to look at certain perils which threaten its doctrine and its …
After the death of solomon, the tragic dividing of the kingdom took place in 930 bc under Rehoboam. A young revolutionary activist called Jeroboam led the revolt. Ten of the twelve tribes of Israel fo…
In the loxg period of time between the conquest of the land under Joshua and the establishing of the monarchy, there is comparatively little mention of sacrifice and worship in Israel. The David and S…
It has already been pointed out that both Timothy and Titus were Paul’s children in the faith. He calls Timothy his genuine child, 1 Tim. 1. 2, and uses similar terms about Titus, Titus 1.4. It was Pa…
The Bookof Psalms has been* called The Book of the Sanctuary’. Each of the five books in the centre of the Old Testament has a different theme. In Job it is suffering; in Proverbs it is sonship; in Ec…
The five books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi give an account of the return of a remnant of Israel from their seventy years of exile in Babylon. Ezra and Nehemiah deal with it from a…
The universal flood and its aftermath introduced a number of new features connected with man’s relationship to God. The wiping out of a whole generation apart from one family is the greatest natural d…
One of the most vital and fundamental doctrines of Holy Scripture is that of blood sacrifice. It is the scarlet line that stretches not only across time but reaches from eternity past into eternity fu…
Among the mysteries committed to the apostle Paul was that of the Church, Col. 1. 25-27. In the Epistle to the Ephesians he expounds more the great truth of the Church as the body of Christ, but in th…
In the Jewish calendar there were two days in the year that stood out more prominently than all the rest. One was the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month; the other was the Day of Atonem…
The key verse of the first Epistle to Timothy, and indeed one of the basic statements of the New Testament concerning the local church, is found in chapter 3. 15. Paul says that he is writing these th…
The Non-Savour Offerings. The Sin and Trespass Offerings. The Sin Offering. Lev. 4; 5. 1-13; 6. 24-30.The sweet-savour offerings, the burnt, meal and peace offerings were for the worshipper. We must r…
Introduction. Leviticus is the handbook and manual of the priest. It is the central book of the Pentateuch. Its subject is “worship”, whilst in Genesis it is “election”, and in Exodus it is “redemptio…
‘For the LIFE of the flesh is in the blood: and I hsve given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul’, Lev. 17. 11. This …
I TIMOTHY 2. 9-15; 5. 2-l6; TITUS 2. 3-5 Prior to the advent of Christianity, the position of women in pagan Greece and Rome was decidedly inferior. As in Islam today, they were forced to lead very se…
Reviewing the first four books of the Bible, we may say that: Genesis speaks of God’s electing grace. Exodus expounds redemption through the blood and divine power. Leviticus reveals the work of the p…
The letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 introduce four symbolic expressions indicating sinister movements to undermine and destroy their testimony. They are: 1. Nicolaitanism in Ephesus an…
Exodus, the second book in the Bible, is the book of redemption. It is the book of the origin of the nation of Israel, delivered from centuries of slavery in Egypt, redeemed by the blood of the lamb a…
The call of Abraham was a watershed in human history. According to Usher’s chronology, he lived exactly halfway between Adam and Christ. The first eleven chapters of Genesis appear to have covered app…
"And I sought for a man . . . that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap .. .but I found none”, Ezek. 22. 30. Ezekiel was a prophet who had been taken captive to Babylon with king Jehoiachin …
Book Reviews by this Author
Paperback, 216pp. Published by Gospel Folio Press, 304 Killaly Street West, Port Colborne, ON, Canada L3K 6A6. Price £6.99 ISBN 978-1-897117-44-2 This is a welcome updated edition of a book first pu…
96 pages; $2.50, from Loizeaux Brothers, U.S.A. (Christian bookshops in the U.K. will know how to obtain copies.) Another book from our brother is greatly appreciated; (see Precious Seed, vol. 29, 1…

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