Author –

Stephen Whitmore
Articles by this Author
THE KEY TO THE LETTER In these verses, Paul gives his desire in writing, his reason for writing, the character of the assembly, and the full revelation of the character which should mark every believe…
ONE THEME WHICH IS PROMINENT throughout the Philippian epistle is the thoughtof Christ in every aspect of Life. A simple breakdown of the epistle would be: Chapter One – Christ, the Purpose for LifeCh…
Three times in the New Testament, we read expressions concerning our Lord, that He loved, and gave Himself. These are found in Galatians 2. 20, Ephesians 5. 2, and Ephesians 5. 26-28. It is interestin…
Introduction When Aaron was to enter into the holiest on the day of atonement, he had to follow a clearly defined procedure, Lev. 16. 11-19. He had to take the blood of the sin offering, fire from the…
The theme of fellowship runs throughout the Epistle to the Philippians. In each chapter there is a direct reference at least once to the idea of fellowship, although not immediately apparent in chapte…
In Proverbs 30. 29-31, we read of four things which are ‘comely in going’. These remind us of the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are:1. The Lion.2. The Greyhound, or Horse.3. The He-goat.4. The…
In Proverbs 30. 24-28, we read of four things which are little but wise. These would be reminders of the position which we enjoy in our Lord Jesus Christ. They are: 1. The Ants that Prepare. 2. The Co…
In Proverbs 30. 18, 19, we read of four things which are beyond the understanding of man. In these we can see pictures of the excellence of our Lord Jesus Christ, and they are: 1. The Way of an Eagle …
Hebrews 13. 8 is one of the better known verses of Scripture, and we would all rejoice in the sweetness of its truth however we read it. If the verse is set in its context, it carries a beauty which s…
As the lord comes to Jerusalem for the final time, the Jewish leaders mount a concerted effort to silence Him, or to discredit Him before the people. Three times, they bring deliberate challenges befo…
If the opening chapter of 1 Timothy reminds us of the expression of the heart of God in providing salvation, then the next two chapters give some solemn reminders of the desire of God for the conduct …
IntroductionAFTER THE DEATH OF NADAB AND ABIHU, Lev. 10, Aaron was prevented fromentering within the vail at all times because of the presence of the Lord inthe cloud upon the mercy seat. In Leviticus…
IntroductionAFTER THE DEATH OF NADAB AND ABIHU, Lev. 10, Aaron was prevented from entering within the vail at all times because of the presence of the Lord in the cloud upon the mercy seat. In Levitic…
Chapter 3 of 1 Timothy introduces two spheres of service in the house of God, those of the elder and the deacon. The first is one which is to be undertaken only by men of spiritual maturity; the secon…
In Leviticus 26, the Lord gives the promises for obedience, and the warning of the consequences of disobedience. These are prefaced by a reminder of three fundamental principles that must govern their…
IntroductionThroughout the Philippian Epistle the mind that should characterize the believer is seen. The basis of true unity is seen as the subject develops, with the Lord as the One who truly unites…
IN CONSIDERING SUCH A SUBJECT AS THIS, recognizing that we can never do justice to it, we shall concentrate on four examples. These examples teach us lessons which illustrate the effect of being in th…
The Contrast of Law and GraceAs we saw in the previous article, the remaining verses of the chapter deal with the effect of the gospel in three respects:1. The Work of the Law in Conviction of Sin, vv…

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