Author –

Sid Nicholes
Articles by this Author
John Chapter One Where dwellest Thou? Can we behold The One of Whom the prophets told? Whose goings forth have been of old? Come and see! The Word, The Lamb, The Life, The Light, The object of God’s p…
‘He is able to save… them that come to Him … seeing He ever liveth’. Hebrews 7. 25. When in a synagogue one day, As people met to sing and pray, And Jesus read God’s word and taught, That some a needy…
‘And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal’, Rev. 22. 1. Where streams of life eternal freely flow, With joy above and fruitfulness below; The tree of life is there – to Adam ba…
In this short series of articles we shall look at ten recorded occasions when the glory of the Lord was seen by men on earth. In Exodus chapter 16 the children of Israel had been delivered from Egypt …
We continue in the book of Numbers, chapter 20, for the next occasion when the glory of the Lord appeared. ‘As this chapter opens, it is forty years since the Israelites left Egypt and thirty-eight ye…

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