Author –

R Forrest-Hall
Articles by this Author
The Individual Gifts of the Holy SpiritGifts given for profitReading 1 Cor. 12. 1-28GOD HAS CHOSEN to work through men and women (often quite obscure ones at that!) and He has done this in preference …
Readings: 1 Tim. 3; Titus 1GOD‘S GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT IS ESSENTIAL and is provided for in all walks of life, national, business and in the home. It is one proof of the reality of God who governs the u…
OUR SERVICEGOD‘S PURPOSE is that every one of us shall be like Christ and this process begins down here. Our progress depends on our devotion to and service for our risen Lord, Rom. 8. 29; Phil. 3. 8-…
Readings: Rom. 12. 4-8; 2 Tim. 2. 1-22 General Practical Considerations WE HAVE CONSIDERED THE GIFTS of the Holy Spirit to the Church in ministering God’s Word, i.e. teachers, pastors and evangelists,…

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