Author –

Peter Hedley
Articles by this Author
The evangelist and church planter will be constantly looking for the evidence of genuine faith in converts. This final article continues to point out some of these signs. The genuine Christian has a l…
In our last article we looked at the need for repentance on the part of the non-Christian if he or she desired to experience spiritual reality in Christ. Here we want to take up and begin to examine t…
Let us set the stage by noting that in so-called Christendom, including evangelical circles, we are surrounded by many unconverted people who say they believe in Jesus Christ. We have met drunks on th…
According to the apostle Paul, the unregenerate, that is the non- Christian, do not accept the things of the Spirit, 1 Cor. 2. 14. Spiritual things are foolishness to them. They cannot even begin to u…
SHOULD WE REQUIRE SIGNS OF FAITH? Are there recognisable signs that saving faith and regeneration have occurred? John, in his first epistle, chapter two, verse three, clearly informs us that we may in…
A PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE We have been looking into some of the reasons for the growing lack of belief in God and Christianity in Western Europe generally and in Britain in particular. In this piece I wa…

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