Author –

P. James Poole
Articles by this Author
We must not overlook the importance of the Prophetic Scriptures simply because some have succumbed to the temptation to set up as prophets with unfortunate results. Although the subject goes beyond th…
MOST readers will know what the words in our title mean: centripetal, towards the Centre; centri¬fugal, away from the Centre. In matters spiritual and ecclesiastical Centripetalism is the divine order…
Our assembly has a proud history! But is it still vigorous? Yes! Patient too? Yes! And sound in the truth? Yes! Yet it may be a fallen assembly and in urgent need of repentance. Ephesus is unique amon…
Book Reviews by this Author
“I Have a Message.” 1/6, 1/7 post-free. “Here is the News.” 25 copies for 2/- (post-free). “Here is the News Summary.” 100 copies 3/- (post-free). By Leslie Greening. (Leslie Greening, 13, Woolaston R…

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