Author –

Michael Browne
Articles by this Author
It is an established principle throughout God’s Word that “without shedding of blood is no remission’. The truth of blood-shedding is dyed deep into the fabric of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation,…
The storm is gathering and threatening on God’s prophetic horizon. Already the prophesied apostasy of the end times of the church age is gathering strength. Anti-Christian attitudes and rejection of m…
Deacons, Ministers, Servants. To vindicate their claim that a special ministerial class is both scriptural and necessary, clerics point out the use of the word “minister’ in the New Testament. Therefo…
Elders, Presbyters, Overseers, Bishops. We now turn to the Scriptures themselves to see what the New Testament teaches regarding government in the church. It should be noted here that we distinguish b…
A ranking churchman recently placed upon record the following statement: “The private interpretation of the Bible by parties and groups of Christians leads to error, bitterness, division, and schism. …
Some Christian families were affected by the terrible earthquake and killer tsunami tidal wave that followed in the wake of the recent tragedy here in India. The earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter …
‘Fundamentalism’ in current religious terminology, means belief in the bible as the inerrant word of God. It is belief in the factual historical record of the sacred scriptures, the inspiration, and s…
Sorrow-Song of the Great Forsaken. If ever we trod upon holy ground it is here, as we listen to “a prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint" to Jehovah. Here is t…
Manhood of Messiah. Here again we are directed to a study of the humanity of Christ, but His humanity seen from an entirely different perspective from that of Psalm 8. There it is the dominion of Mess…
The main theme of this, the first of the Messianic Psalms, is the reproach and reign of God’s King. Out of this theme emerges the divine reproof of man’s violent hostility to the Lord and His Anointed…
The Psalm of the Burnt Offering, as this fortieth Psalm is commonly called, presents as its central theme the one perfect offering, or, obedience “unto death, even the death of the cross”. It is the G…
Psalm 8 describes “the world to come”, Heb. 2. 5ff, and the Son of man its divine Ruler. The second Psalm showed us the royalty of God’s Christ and His sovereignty over the nations; this Psalm reveals…
It will help us to grasp the main theme of this Psalm if we see it in contrast with the preceding Psalm – and what a Christ-exalting contrast it is. Psalm 90 is the confession of human imperfection, i…

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