Author –

Mark Kolchin
Articles by this Author
The account in 2 Samuel chapter 6 of David’s attempt to bring the Ark of the Lord back to Jerusalem is one filled with many lessons for believers today. For twenty years the Ark had lain idle in the h…
2 Samuel 15. 1-6. When the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was first exiled, he vowed that that he would one day return to rule the country of France. When the opportunity eventually came, he acted …
It may come as a surprise to many that foster care, like many pertinent issues in society today, is referred to directly in God’s timeless word, the Bible. In Acts chapter 13, Manaen, one of the proph…
It could hardly be said that any Christian enjoys going through a trial. It is one of those aspects of our faith that we would rather avoid. Depending upon its depth and length, it could shake us to t…

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