Author –

John Lightbody
Articles by this Author
We are glad to be able to make available to a wider circle a timely message which was much appreciated at the Aberdeen New Year Meetings. In this passage we have recorded for us a concentrated account…
(2) THE PRAYER OF THE DISCIPLES. Consequent to the Lord’s announcement to the disciples, that their future activity was to be one of witness bearing, He was taken up from them into Heaven, from whence…
(4) THE PREACHING OF PETER (Acts 2). Helpful lessons are to be gleaned by considering the message preached by Peter on the Day of Pentecost. We are chiefly impressed by his familiarity with the sacred…
Why so little real Gospel blessing? Here is the first of a series of articles designed to revive interest as to the Scriptural method of Gospel testimony. Speaking generally, the present experience of…

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