Author –

James R. Cochrane
Articles by this Author
THE WORLD THAT SURROUNDED DANIEL AND HIS FRIENDS 1. Jehoiakim the King Centuries ago Daniel and his three close friends grew up when Jehoiakim was king of Judah. They lived in the unique city of Jeru…
A French proverbs reads, ‘Trouble arrives like galloping horses’. Someone added, ‘And it leaves slowly, step by step’. There is no doubt that sudden, radical changes do arise in our lives totally unex…
There is a long period of time between the fall of Adam and Eve and the coming moral and physical glorification of human beings who trust in God. During this interval men and women have failed to act …
Virgil, considered by many to be the greatest of the Roman poets, wrote, ‘Death twitches my ear. “Live”, he says; “I am coming"’. Death is part of human existence. We may prefer not to talk about it. …
Over a hundred years ago George Macdonald wrote: ‘He that is made in the image of God must know Him or be desolate’. Is it possible to dispel the desolation in which human beings without God find them…
Spiritual gifting is an essential for service All the natural talents in the world are insufficient for the work that God is accomplishing among men and women. Spiritual gifts are required and they, l…
These men were lights in a dark world In a pre-Christian world, Daniel and his companions were like salt holding back the moral corruption all around them. Daniel’s life of moral rectitude powerfully …
Being faithful and having faith Although not by name, Daniel and his three friends appear to be mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11, the important chapter concerning men and women who lived by faith in Go…
There is something about the word ‘success’ that disturbs Christians. The word does not fit comfortably into our vocabulary. How many sermons have we heard on the subject of humility? How often we hav…
How did the disciples respond to the news that the tomb was empty? The initial reaction of the Lord Jesus’ disciples and friends to His resurrection is somewhat surprising and disappointing. The follo…
The resurrection of Jesus Christ has always challenged the greatest minds in the world. The mocking laughter of the Athenian philosophers two thousand years ago has been echoed regularly down through …
The Lord Jesus did not disappear. He was not buried alive and later, in the coolness of the tomb, revived and walked away. No one stole His body for who would have done this? Certainly not the discipl…
Abraham Lincoln once commented, ‘Surely God would not have created such a being as man … to exist only for a day! No, no; Man was made for immortality'1. Hope occupies a crucial place in the lives of …
From ancient sacred literature comes a question that still haunts the human mind, ‘If a man dies, shall he live again?’ A world view today maintains that there is no Creator God, no design to the univ…
Ugly events have stained the pages of world history. Exploding out of wrong attitudes, these misfortunes alter society’s order, and often hinder the development of the individual’s personal life. Ther…
Adjusting to rapid change Some settle in easily to change. Perhaps most do not adjust well to new and strange circumstances. I believe Daniel and his three friends adjusted quickly to life in Babylon.…
The importance of making decisions, and the right ones It is very important to make the right decision. Think of the decisions we have made in our lives, good and bad, about a career, employment, marr…
If the present generation thinks about angels at all, it is in the sense of beautiful winged beings dressed in white. However, the New Testament highlights a totally different perspective on this subj…
Text: Philippians 3. 4-14. Unless otherwise stated scripture quotations are taken from The New King James Version As a former enemy of the Christian community, Paul expresses amazement that he, too, …
It is not easy to accept that you have made a fundamental mistake. Every true athlete is fully committed to his sport. He may be in the spotlight just briefly, but that moment is the result of years o…
He was purpose driven from the time he was a child With a little exaggeration, Saul of Tarsus was born running. He writes, ‘I was given a thorough Jewish training from my earliest childhood’, Acts 26.…
‘The excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord'1 Many will have heard of the athlete from Africa who was running in a long-distance race far from his homeland. During the race he suffered a…
‘The excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord’1 A common definition for knowledge is the accumulation of information, facts. Students accumulate information and facts for writing a thesis f…
Commitment without passion leads to drudgery, a formal, but joyless, experience. There are men and women who hold responsible positions in local churches who give no evidence of enthusiasm as they ful…

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