Author –

J. H. Large
Articles by this Author
WHILST A REVIEW of the past year will undoubtedly give us all much cause for thankfulness, it is unlikely that any of us will be able to feel that we have accomplished as much for God as we might have…
We sorrowfully inform our readers that precious seed has lost another valuable helper by the home call of our beloved brother Alfred George Anstice at the age of 73. He joined us when the magazine was…
From the human standpoint, Paul’s effectiveness as a servant of Christ stemmed from the fact that he was motivated by one dominating objective, summed up in the words, “Wherefore also we make it our a…
Quotations are from the Revised Version Forbidden at one time by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia, Acts 16. 6, Paul was now allowed to pay a fleeting visit to Ephesus the capital of that prov…
WE NOW GIVE SOME OF OUR REASONS for suggesting that assemblies may yet have to face a resurgence of the spirit of clerisy. We can readily anticipate the kind of retort which some of our remarks will e…
We make no apologies for printing such a long article as the following, dealing as it does with a subject that has acquired such unjustifiable proportions in the minds of some. It has been written by …
SCATTERED OVER THE WORLD are hundreds of thousands of Christian communities affiliated with one or other of the great denominations. No doubt the majority of Christians regard this as a most natural s…
IN OUR TREATMENT of the features of a scriptural church we now come to the question of the maintenance of sound doctrine. Our Responsibility We wish we could take it for granted that Christians genera…
2. ANTIOCH Antioch in Syria, about 200 miles north of Jerusalem, must not be confused with Antioch in Pisidia, Acts 13. 14. The development of the church in Syrian Antioch is traced through several st…
6. CORINTH Quotations are from the Revised Version In the section from Acts 16. 6 to 19. 20 it is evidently part of Luke’s design to give samples of the reception of the Gospel by five typical cities…
INTRODUCTION In this and following articles it is proposed to examine the chief features of those churches which figure prominently in the Acts in the hope of learning some practical lessons for prese…
4. PHILIPPI Quotations are from the Revised Version The story of Paul’s visit to Philippi makes a considerable contribution to the sidelight which the book of The Acts throws on early missionary enter…
5. THESSALONICA Quotations are from the Revised Version The journey of about one hundred miles from Philippi to Thessalonica is divided in Acts 17. 1 into three roughly equivalent stages, and it is a …
3. GALATIA Quotations are from the Revised Version Who were the Galatians? Although at one time the question was much debated, there now seems to be widespread agreement that the Epistle to the Galati…
SINCE THE DEITY OF CHRIST is the citadel of the Christian faith it need surprise no one that it is the devil’s main target; thus it will be found that at the core of most false systems is a denial of …
FOR THE SAKE OF NEW READERS it may be well to explain that in the earlier articles in this series we have considered the problems which face young people as a wider experience confronts them with many…
THE MINISTRY OF WOMENTHE MULTIPLICATION OF RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS outside the ordinary scope of church life has been accompanied by the increasing activity of women in public gatherings and this has …
READERS WHO HAVE FOLLOWED THIS SERIES will know-that our main concern has been the need to deal realistically and sympathetically with the inquiries young believers naturally make when they find that …
WHEN STUDYING THE PARABLES, or for that matter the miracles, it is always well to look for some clue as to the leading message and it will not usually be far to seek. In this instance the purpose of t…
Readers who appreciate the particular ministry of Precious Seed can rest assured that the Editorial changes announced above will involve no change in our policy. The magazine was launched 17 years ago…
IN OUR PREVIOUS ISSUE we referred to our responsibility to give constructive help to young believers in the perplexity they feel when faced with the many divisions among Christians.THERIGHTPERSPECTIVE…
WE are too conscious of shortcomings to become complacent over the reception which “ Precious Seed “ continues to receive – rather we are thankful to God for His help in a task to which we can give bu…
FOLLOWING THE INTRODUCTION in the preceding issue we now commence a series of studies having in mind the need to meet with sympathy and understanding the perplexities of young people who contrast the …
WE CAN WELL IMAGINE that as some have read the preceding articles in this series, their reaction has been ‘Do these things really matter very much?’. The proper question to ask is ‘Are they in accord …
IN PREVIOUS ARTICLES WE have urged the importance of turning with heart and will to the scriptural ideal, convinced that ultimately more will be accomplished in this way than by any other means. Unfor…
PREVIOUS ARTICLES IN THIS SERIES have attempted to summarize the perplexities which young people are likely to feel in face of the variety of views held by Christians with whom a widening experience b…
READERS ARE REMINDED that in this series we are discussing the responsibility of elders to give guidance to young people when widening experience brings them into contact with other Christian communit…
MOSES KNEW THAT THE TIME WOULD COME when the rising generation would ask questions and he wisely prepared the people to deal with them. ‘When thy son asketh thee … then thou shalt say .. .’ We believe…
Many readers may remember the series of articles written by Mr. J. H. Large entitled ‘When thy son asketh thee’ and published in Precious Seed in 1959 and 1960. The articles dealt with problems and qu…
Book Reviews by this Author
£3.95 (incl. postage), from J. Ritchie, Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock. 280 pages, with 21 chapters and 2 appendices. The publishers intend to produce a series of O.T. character studies, of which th…
Jacob Supplanterto Prince with God by J. H. Laegs;. 365 pp, £6.95 plus p&p. John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH. In this, the second Old Testament character study from the author…

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