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J. B. Hewitt
Articles by this Author
SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDY Read the Epistle through once each day for a month. Reading aloud is most profitable. You can read through this Epistle in less than twenty minutes. Find seven reasons why …
The Christian life is one of inward peace, vv. 1-3; upward progress, vv. 4-7; governing purpose, vv. 8-12; gracious privilege, vv. 16-18; guiding prophesy, w. 19-21; and glorious prospect — the coming…
In chapter 1, we find the construction of character through the truth, but in chapter 2, we have corrupt doctrine intent upon the destruction of the unwary. Peter gives a vehement description of false…
It is interesting to study Abraham’s life of faith, a man tested by God, in Genesis, in the following way: His Public History, chapters 12 to 14-Faith Travelling and Trusting. His Personal History, ch…
4. AMOS Amos belonged to Tekoa, a small town about six miles south of Bethlehem and about twelve miles south-east of Jerusalem. Very few particulars are given about him and these are all found in his …
The object of all Bible study has in view the exaltation of our Lord, the enriching of our lives, and the em-powering of our labour. We must translate into factors of power every living promise made t…
As we pass into the Colossian letter we have a totally different aspect of the Lord Jesus in relation to our Christ-ian life. The burden and prayer of the apostle is that the saints may come to an exp…
Peter gives a timely word for today. The knowledge of Christ should mould our habits and prepare us for His soon return. The doctrine of false teachers in relation to our Lord’s return was dangerous a…
The title Deuteronomy is derived from the Greek words; “Deuteros”, meaning “second”, and “Nomos”, meaning “law”, thus making the book to be “the second law”. This could be misleading as the first law …
There is, perhaps, no writing in the book of God so majestic and so won-derful as the Epistle to the Ephesians. Here we reach the very pinnacle of spiritual knowledge, the summit of revealed truth, th…
The title “Exodus" means a “way out" or “departure”, and was given because it records the way in which Jehovah brought Israel out of the bondage of Egypt. The theme of the book is redemption; the them…
Exodus is of great value as a picture book of many New Testament truths. We shall notice some lessons from the section which we may entitle Israel in Egypt, chs. 1 to 12. Enslaved and Emanci-pated. Th…
This book has known more criticism, and suffered more opposition and abuse, than any other book of the Bible. Satan uses all his forces to discredit and to destroy this book. The reason is that it rec…
In the first ten chapters of Genesis including the original creation, there may be millions of years embraced, but in the next forty chapters only a few centuries are dealt with. Here the emphasis is …
Hosea, the Slighted Lover, 2. 18-19; n. 1-4. Christ shall be the one Head, 1. 11, the Restorer of the nation, 2. 14-19, the coining King, 3. 4-5, to whom regal honours will then be given, disowned tho…
The whole purpose of revealed truth is to tell out the manifold glory of the character and work of one majestic Person, Jesus Christ our Lord. God has chosen Him as the centre of all His purposes, Eph…
Nothing is known of Habakkuk apart from this book. From the fact that he makes no mention of Assyria, and speaks of the Chaldean power as growing with almost incredible rapidity, it is concluded that …
11. HAGGAI Haggai is the first in order of the Minor Prophets after the captivity. The deportation of the people into captivity was in three stages that extended over a number of years. The restoratio…
Haggai and Zachariah were the post-exilic “prophets of work” commissioned by God to encourage His returned exiles to complete the restoration of the temple. The task had lapsed for almost sixteen year…
Chapter One. Indolence, Instruction, Inspiration. Haggai is not known out-side Ezra and this book. He was a prophet working in conjunction with Zechariah. His name means, “My feast” or “Festive”, and …
A MESSAGE OF RE-EN COURAGEMENT, 1. 12-15. Here is the response of the remnant to the challenging message of the prophet. Their Ways Considered, v. 12. “Then”; the response of the leaders was encouragi…
A MESSAGE OF RECOVERY AND DETERMINATION, 2. 10-19. This fourth message has to do with cleansing and blessing. It is a corrective message on responsibility; right conduct is important to God. This seve…
2. HOSEA Title. This is taken from the name of the writer, which means “salvation” or “deliverance”. He is described as the son of Beeri and was a prophet of the Northern Kingdom. He could be describe…
3. JOEL We have no information respecting Joel except such as is derived from the book which he has left us. He was specially a prophet to Judah and the man is lost in the ministry and message he deli…
Jonah was a real person, an historical character who prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II; read 2 Kings 14. 23-27. His name means “dove” and his father’s name Amittai means “the truth of the Lor…
This is the central book of the Pentateuch, the book of sanctification, divinely enjoined and typically expressed. Its keywords are “atonement" (over forty times), and “holy" (over eighty times), and …
Nothing is known or ti iis prophet apart from this book. He prophesies in Judah during the reign of Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim shortly before the invasion by Nebuchadnezzar, 1. 5-6; 1. 3; and 3. 2-16. In …
13. MALACHI The prophet Malachi is introduced in the first verse of the book which bears his name. Nothing is known of Malachi beyond what we may gather from this book and some think that his name, me…
We are living in extremely busy days, and everybody and everything seem to be going at a very fast pace. We seem to be too busy, running here and there, with very little time to sit down and think on …
The opening verse gives to Micah a period of activity under three Jewish kings, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. No direct information is given in the book to suggest which king was on the throne when the p…
Nothing is known of the prophet Nahum except that he belonged to Elkosh, the location of which cannot be established with certainty. Some say that it “was not far from Capernaum”, which means “village…
Here we have the story of Israel’s journeyings, wanderings and murmurings, from Sinai to the borders of Canaan. Numbers resumes the narrative where Exodus leaves off. For some of the Lord’s people tod…
Obadiah was a name common among the Jews and several occurrences are found in the Old Testament, but there is nothing to indicate that any of them wrote this book. The name means “worshipper” or “serv…
2. ALL PEERLESS IN HIS DEITY CHAPTER 1 We may notice in the opening chapter of this Epistle The Superiority of His Revelation, vv. 1-2. The Sufficiency of His Work, v. 3. The Sovereignty of His Power…
ALL PREVAILING IN HIS MINISTRY CHAPTER 10 This chapter gives much of the biography of the Lord’s life: incarnation, 5; conversation, 7; dedication, 10; ministra-tion, 12; His work in sanctification, 1…
Chapter 11 – All Inspiring On The Highway Of Faith Faith sustained patriarchs, prophets and martyrs in all previous ages, and their example is worthy of emulation. 1. The Value of Faith, vv. 1-7. Its …
1. Christian Discipline, vv. 1-11. Education. The Essentials for Success in the Race, 1-3. Inspiration from others. Witnesses to the faith of past days, not spectators. Preparation. “Lay aside every…
All Present Throughout Eternity – Chapter 13 Love in Personal Life, vv. 1-6. Be Generous. Sweetness of Christian fellowship, 1; John 13. 34, 35. Sympathy of Christian love, 2. Hospitable to stranger…
All Perfect In His Humanity – Chapter 2 In chapter 1 we have the personal glory of the Son of God, typified by the ark overlaid with pure gold, and in chapter 2 we have the acquired glory of the Son o…
All Pitying in His Sympathy CHAPTER 4 In this chapter we find Christ as the Sanctuary Rest; He is the true Rest-Giver, Matt. n. 28-30. We own that Christ is Greater than Joshua in His victory, v. 8; J…
ALL PENETRATING IN HIS ABILITY CHAPTER 6 This chapter may be studied in detail as follows: 1. Exhortation regarding Progress., w.1-3."Be wise. Advance". i. Leave the Foundation Truths,- leave spiritu…
ALL PROSPEROUS IN HIS MINISTRY CHAPTER 8 by J. B. Hewitt, Chesterfield 1. The Better Sanctuary, w. 1-6. More Excellent Ministry. The Superior Priest, v. 1. Possessed - “we have”; Provided by God – ava…
The Epistle to the Hebrews is one of the greatest and most important in the New Testament. Its opening chapter is one of the most fascinating and satisfying that one could read; its dignified presenta…
1. INTRODUCTION In His Word God has made ample provision for all our needs. Its lofty thought and noble images, its heavenly doctrines and personal applications, are meant to expand the intellect and …
Fittingly, and from most ancient times, the first five books of the Bible have been grouped together and have been known by the term “Pentateuch”, a word meaning “five books”. The Jewish rabbis called…
THE DAY OF ATONEMENT;LEVITICUS The key word of Leviticus 16 is atonement which is mentioned fourteen times, whilst the key verses of the chapter are 30 and 33. In the New Testament, especially in Hebr…
One of the first impressions we obtain on reading this Epistle is that of the recurring references to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is directly mentioned eleven times in these twenty-five verses. Surely t…
The Philippian letter breathes the atmosphere of heaven, and as we view our Lord Jesus under different titles (telling us of His grace in birth, His greatness even in death, the glory that is now His,…
Primeval History, chs. 1-11. From the Creation to the Condemnation, 1. 1 to 3. 24. God’s Will declared, first period, (a) The Creation of the cosmos, 1. 1 to 2. 3. The Creation of the universe, 1. 1, …
In these verses we have seven safeguards and seven exhortations to help us. There is a threefold call in Jude 17-23; adhere to apostolic teaching, vv. 17-19; advance in the separated life, vv. 20, 21 …
"But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble, hard to deal with, and hard to bear”, 2 Tim. 3. 1, Amplified N.T. The Apostasy: its Peril, v. …
In the religious world the “cross” is taken as a symbol of Christianity. It is an expression that gathers up and contains the great fact and the significance of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ at C…
This is a book on Christian psychology and the need for spiritual maturity. James is more concerned about emphasizing duty than about expounding doctrine. His illustrations are arresting; his phrases …
Portrayed by Mark Key words: Ch. 10. 45; 12. 6. INTRODUCTION 1. 1-13 HIS COMINGPersonality v. 1; Promised vv. 2, 3; Prepared for vv. 4, 5.Accepted v. 9; Approved vv. 10, 11; Attacked w. 12, 13. 1. HIS…
In this chapter we can see ‘pictures of the Lord Jesus’.1) The Man of purpose set over the realm, v. 3, cp. Eph. 1. 22; Phil. 2. 10.2) The Man of spotless character and conduct, v. 4, cp. Luke. 23. 4;…
Jude realized that the need was not so much to expound the faith as to rally Christians in defence of the faith. There had secretly slipped into the churches ungodly men who were immoral in life and h…
Joses, meaning “ fruitful," was such a lovable character that he was surnamed Barnabas by his fellow-apostles. He was not only a man who was generous in disposition, but a man of large physical propor…
We live in days when the contents of the Christian faith are widely questioned, and new and speculative theologies are being propagated. With this a new morality is advocated by men who are underminin…
The Holy Scriptures are themselves the permanent and authoritative “form” of God-given revelation. This revelation has been recorded in the original writings by inspiration, both the writers and the w…
12. ZECHARIAH This book surpasses all the Minor Prophets in its Messianic emphasis and in its unfolding of events connected with both the first and second advents of our Lord. Isaiah and Zechariah are…
From the opening verse of the prophecy we learn something about Zephaniah, the writer. His genealogy is traced back for four generations to Hezekiah, R.V. This would suggest that he was the great-gran…

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