Author –

H. A. Tickner
Articles by this Author
“Pilate … brought Jesus forth … in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.” Many, on visiting Jerusalem, and observing the remains of the New Testament period unearthed by th…
“My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death”, v.38. In recording the Saviour’s words to His three disciples, both Matthew and Mark use the same Greek word of emphatic strength, perilupos (deeply …
In our previous studies on “The Sufferings of Christ”, we have contemplated His anticipation in the Garden of Gethsemane of the Cup that He was to drink; we have considered Gabbatha’s judgment hall an…
The Glories of Christ are fourfold: His Eternal, Personal Glory. His Official Glory, of Deity in the Godhead. His Moral Glory, shining out in His Humanity. His Added Glory, flowing out from His Pathw…
Added to the personal, official and moral glories of Christ, are “the glories that should follow”, 1 Pet. 1. 11 R.V., the word “glories” being plural. It is of deep instruction to note that the Greek …
We have considered, all too briefly, the superlative majesty of Christ in His earthly kingdom. In the conclusion of our studies, let us now bring to heart and mind some of the matchless splendours of …
1. IntroductionIn all the abundant provisions in our relationships with Heaven, the pathway of prayer must surely rank amongst the highest, bringing, as it does, the heart of man into close and direct…
The word Amen is probably heard and used as much, if not more, than any other word in religious circles around the world. Its setting and expression in Scripture is of real meaning and instruction, an…

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