Author –

Gary McBride
Articles by this Author
I stumble and blunderAnd often I say,Lord Jesus, I wonderNow which is the way? Thy will, blessed Saviour,I want most of all,And yet my behaviourIs proof of the Fall! Still Thou art above me,O Friend i…
AN ACTIVELY WITNESSING ASSEMBLY Establishing the principlesWhat is an evangelistic assembly? Theologically, the term is redundant in that all assemblies by definition should be active in outreach. Sad…
The glory of God is the great theme of the ages. It is the reason creation took place, as the heavens declare God’s glory and mankind was made for His glory. The grand plan of redemption is all to the…
Previous articles dealt with the glory of God that was displayed to Moses, Isaiah, and Ezekiel. These Theophanies, or Christophanies, were displays of God’s Person and attributes. The revelation of Go…
The salvation of mankind was described in a wonderful sermon by evangelist E. V. Hill as ‘God at His best’. Hill described redemption as a greater work than the creation of the universe. He ended the …
[Unless otherwise stated, all quotations are taken from the NKJ version of the scriptures). THE PURPOSES OF GOD Paul ends his prayer in Ephesians chapter 3 with a wonderful doxology, vv. 20, 21. He is…
The first coming of Christ was in obscurity and humility. He veiled the outward display of glory and took upon Himself ‘the form of a servant’, and ‘the likeness of men’.1 The next time He comes to ea…
In the last article the revelation of God’s glory to Moses was in view. Moses was hidden in the cleft of the rock and he saw a display, and heard a declaration. There was the visual and the verbal exp…
PREPARATIONS FOR THE LORD‘S SUPPER – SOME THOUGHTS ON EXODUS 35. 4-35 A word of command Illustrations are word pictures or windows that let in light. The command in Exodus 35. 4 and the subsequent res…

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