Author –

Franklin Ferguson
Articles by this Author
It is quite a common thing to say that such and such a Christian is ‘in fellowship’. The thought is that they belong to a certain assembly of saints, and are ‘breaking bread’ with them. But is this al…
There are two passages of Scripture that come before our mind in connection with the arrangements at weddings: (1) “Be not conformed to this world,” and (2) “Be conformed to the image of His Son” (Rom…
In the first chapter of the First Epistle of John, there is brought under our notice a fellowship of an exceedingly blessed and holy nature, even “fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Chr…
1. The Church of God is a People “called out” and “separated” from the world by means of the Gospel (Acts 15. 14; John 17. 14); assuming the form of local Churches, otherwise called “Churches of the s…
Few will deny that there is a lack of power – we believe our contributor from the Antipodes has put his finger on the weak spot. The complaint is made that there is a sad lack among the saints of the …
The order and meaning of the Lord’s Supper is set forth in 1 Cor. 11; – but in chap. 10 the Apostle emphasizes a specially-important principle, namely, that fellowship at the Lord’s Table demands sepa…
It is quite a common thing to say that such and such a Christian is “in fellowship.” The thought is that they belong to a certain assembly of saints, and are “breaking bread” with them. But is this al…

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