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F. F. Bruce
Articles by this Author
Some critics say that Moses could not have written the Pentateuch. Read what the Head of the Department of Biblical History and Literature in the University of Sheffield has to say. The first five boo…
Students are constantly being given to understand that no well informed person can believe that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. In a previous article the Head of the Department of Biblical History and Lit…
‘What think ye of Christ?’ is the test To try both your state and your scheme: You cannot be right in the rest, Unless you think rightly of Him. John Newton was thinking primarily of a man or woman’s…
That Jesus of Nazareth, while being fully Man, was and remains, at the same time, truly God, is a dogma set forth in classical terms in the great Christian Creeds and Confessions. But on what are thes…
With regard to the article on our Lord’s incarnation in the November number of PRECIOUS SEED, one reader (speaking perhaps for others) has suggested that it is difficult to avoid seeing our Lord as in…

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