Author –

F. Cundick
Articles by this Author
Chapter 33 A new phase of Ezekiel’s ministry opens in chapter 33. Hitherto, the practical developments that his ministry suggested to the people had been hindered by the solidarity of the opposition w…
CHAPTERS 8-9 In the first section of this book, chs. 1-24, the two main streams of thought are obvious. The first relates to the preparation of the servant; the second to the predictions of Jerusalem’…
CHAPTER 34 The application of the central idea in chapter 34 will have greater force if, first, we seek to grasp the scope of its contents. It belongs to the closing series of prophecies which bear a…
CHAPTERS 25-32 Chapters 25-32 form a break in the book, and contain prophecies to the nations surrounding Israel. Geographically, Palestine lies at the centre of the Eastern world. Around were arrange…
In the former article one phase of restoration has been considered, namely, the restoration of the monarchy. Under the kingship of God’s appointing, there will be a great change from national division…
1. THE PRIEST-PROPHET AND HIS BOOK As we approach the book which Jerome described as “an ocean and labyrinth of the mysteries of God”, we must seek those factors which assist toward an understanding o…
There is a deeply implanted desire in the hearts of believers to know ‘the leading of the Spirit’, a subject clarified only in the Scriptures of truth. Our consideration of the subject turns, first, t…
The great spiritual force of the presentation of a Suffering Messiah will be felt when a reader bears in mind three simple matters concerning this great Epistle. i. The Chief Characteristic. It contra…
In our final consideration, we make a general survey of the effects of the inspiring return of Jehovah’s glory as set forth in the last six chapters. Whilst the bearing of the great vision on the comi…
8. The Oracle On Gog And Magog – Chapters 38-39 Following the themes of restoration is the great “Invasion Symphony”, as this oracle has been called. What is the motive of the oracle? Has not the prop…
The great event of the return of the glory of God, so simply described, is really the culmination of Ezekiel’s prophecy. The return does not take place at the prophet’s first coming to the temple, but…
The Holy Scriptures speak of the Spirit of God from cover to cover. On its first page there is painted the impressive picture of chaos, when darkness was upon the face of the deep; but the Spirit of G…
‘The Acts of the Apostles’ is an appropriate continuation of the four Gospels. It opens with a reference to the Risen Lord’s commandments given to the apostles, ‘through the Holy Ghost’, 1. 1, and con…
The emblems of the Spirit of God used in the Scriptures, with their deep and varied significance, are better recognised and appreciated after some acquaintance with the doctrine of the New Testament. …
Having considered the chief historical records of the importation of the Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles, our minds are now prepared to consider in better focus what some of the Epistles teach…
Our former meditations enabled us to see the general course of truth pertaining to the Spirit in the Scriptures. In giving attention to the Epistle to the Ephesians, we become selective; moreover, the…
There is some diffidence among expositors with regard to the literal character of the details of this vision. One thing is evident – there will be a literal city, temple, land and nation of Israel wit…
2. THE VISION OF THE CHARIOT-THRONE – CHAPTER 1 It was five years after being taken captive, probably in the summer of 594 b.c., that Ezekiel was initiated into the prophetic office. Then “the inward …
9. The Vision Of The New Temple – Chapters 40-42 Before we set out with Ezekiel on his tour of inspection of the temple-buildings, we must acquaint ourselves with some particulars. First, the date of …
The terms of the Lord’s commission to His disciples in the Gospel by Matthew are: “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations,…

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