Author –

Ephraim Venn
Articles by this Author
The Epistles of Peter are characteristic of the Apostle of the Circumcision. WhilstPaul – theApostleoftheGentiles – communicates the truth of Christianity as a special revelation given to him, these t…
CLOSING SUMMARY AND WARNINGSWe have had in the first chapter the spiritual possessions, pursuit, and prospect of the Christian while un earth in the last days. The next chapter sets before us the char…
HAVING considered some of the instructions and exhortations given in this Epistle, we now turn to itsENCOURAGEMENTSWhen our lives are in agreement with the purpose of God in our salvation, we make our…
WE have considered some of the seasonable instructions and exhortations in this Epistle ; we now turn to itsCALL FOR MORAL SAFEGUARDS (1. vv. 1-7)” In your faith supply (super add) virtue.” The same w…
By the late EPHRAIM VENN (PART TWO)(EDITOR‘S NOTE. The Reader’s attention is drawn to the first section in the previous Issue, which deals with the contrasts between Peter’s First and Second Epistles.…
In the first portion of this article the writer demonstrated by careful exam-ination of John’s 3rd Epistle how sad division In the church arose even In the days of the Apostle John. He proceeds to sho…
” I wrote unto the Church; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not” {3 John 9). It is noticeable that of the three Epistles of John the -*- first only is gener…

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